Instructions to Authors
The Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management (JSWTM)
Published by International Society of Waste Management, Air and Water (ISWMAW), India
in Collaboration with: Widener University, Chester, USA & Consortium of Researchers in International Collaboration (CRIC), India JSWTM publishes full length papers that provide significant contributions to the field of Solid and Liquid Waste – Technology, Management, Policies, Energy & Material Recovery, Recycling, Recycled Products, Waste Utilisation, Modelling, Standardisation, decarbonisation, Business and Circular Economy. All papers are peer reviewed. Processing Registration Fee (PRF) for publication per article is INR 5,000/-+18% for Indian & USD 150 plus 18% for foreign authors payable to “ISWMAW” after acceptance before publication. Issues: March, June, September & December. Special issues any time.
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Sadhan Kumar Ghosh
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Instructions to Authors for submission of articles to Journal of SWTM:
- Submission process: click on the log in link:
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Send in email the Forwarding Letter, the List of Reviewers and pdf version of the paper to: and
- General Instructions: Submitting the manuscript is a representation that it has not been copyrighted or published, and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere. A forwarding letter along with the paper and other document should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief. The Papers should have a main author to whom correspondence will be sent. The main author carries full responsibility that all other authors have approved the manuscript and to pay the PRF.
- Forwarding Letter: (See the format) A forwarding letter with the title of the paper should contain the following with the following information and document,
1. Personal declaration that the paper has not been copyrighted or published, and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere,
2. Personal declaration: I agreed to pay the Processing Registration Fee (PRF) of INR 5,000/- for Indian and USD 150 for foreign authors for publication payable to “ISWMAW” by bank transfer or online ( after the acceptance before publication.
3. Declare the name of Plagiarism Detection Software (PDS) used and the % similarity found for the paper (keep max. 15% with self-plagiarism, exclusion of common words & quotes),
4. Mention the Novelty of the paper in 45 words.
- List of Reviewers & Author/s (See the format): Submit tabular list of 4 reviewers [from different country/ies, none from author’s organisation/s] & list of all authors [name, designation, affiliation, email id and mobile no]
- Manuscript (Paper): Include Postal address, email address, country code, mobile no, of the corresponding author. Titles and headings should be of max. 12 words. Avoid using footnotes – instead use referencing. Units should be SI or American with SI in parentheses. Be as concise as feasible – avoid unnecessary or repetitive information. Full article should be between 25,000 to 35,000 characters counted with space. Article should be submitted with 25 mm margin on each side on A4 size, using 12 font size times roman letters, single space in word file and pdf files in single column. Each figure and tables with good readability should be cited in the text or source given.
a. Abstract and Keywords: Abstract (mandatory) in 200 words should clearly outline the main idea/study, outcome & novelty & 5 keywords for indexing purposes.
b. Illustrations: All illustrations (tables, graphs, photographs & figures) should be legible, properly identified by numbers and with short caption. Each illustration should be cited within the text. The illustrations should mention sources, wherever required.
c. References: APA (American Psychological Association) system [e.g., (Ghosh, 2021), (Mersky, 2019), & so on] should be used with alphabetized reference list at the end of the paper. All references should be complete and give adequate information.
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- Tentative Timeline for Publication (Authors must respond in time)
List of Editors Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Sadhan Kumar Ghosh, Director, Sustainable Development & Circular Economy, ISWMAW, & Ex- Dean, Faculty of Engg. & Tech., Jadavpur University, India, Site: | |
Editor: Prof. Dr. Ronald L. Mersky, Professor & Chair, Civil Engineering, Widener University, USA | |
Associate Editor | |
Prof. Dr. Agamuthu Pariatamby, Professor, Sunway University, Malaysia,
Dr. Atul Narayan Vaidya, Director, CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur, India Prof. Dr. Debendra Chandra Baruah, Dept of Energy, Tezpur University, Assam, India Prof. Dr. Dhanada K. Mishra, Technical Director, Product; RaSect AI (; Hong Kong; Dr. Francesco Di Maria, Asso Professor, University of Perugia. Italy Prof. Dr. Harish Hirani, Professor, Mech Engg Dept., IIT Delhi; Ex-Director, CMERI-CSIR, India Prof. Dr. Mehmet Sinan BİLGİLİ, Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey Dr. Prasad Kaparaju, Associate Professor, Griffith School of Engg., Griffith University, Australia Prof. Prasanta Kumar Dey, Professor, Aston Business School, Aston University, UK Dr. Premakumara Jagath Dickella Gamaralalage, Director, IGES-CCET, Japan Dr. Richard Blanchard, Reader in Renewable Energy, Loughborough University, UK; Prof. Dr. Regina Mambeli Barros, The Federal University of Itajubá, Brazil Dr. Tapas Das, Saint Martin’s University, USA Prof. Robert W. Peters, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA |
Members, Editorial Board | |
Dr. A. N. Naperi, President, CBS University of Agriculture, Philippines
Prof. A. Oberlin, Professor, DIT (Dar es Salaam), Tanzania Prof. Amr Abdelghany, University of Cairo, Giza, Egypt Prof. Ernesto de la Torre Chauvin, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito, Ecuador Prof. Mst. Farzana Rahman Zuthi, CUET, Chattagram, Bangladesh Prof. Dr. Guray Salihoglu, Professor, Uludag University, Turkey Dr. H. N. Chanakya, Ex-Chair, CST, IISc, Bangalore, India Dr. Heinz Schandl, CSIRO, Australia Dr. Isaac Fernandez, Consultant, Ex-CETIM Tech,. Spain Prof. Jinhui Li, Tsinghua University, China Prof K N Satyanarayana, Director, IIT, Tirupati, India Dr. Kare H. Karstensen, Chief Scientist, SINTEF, Oslo, Norway Prof. K. Raja Reddy, Vice Chancellor, SV University, Tirupati, India |
Prof. K. Hemchandra Reddy, Chairman, APSCHE, India
Prof. Misuzu Asari, Kyoto University, Japan Mr. M. Divis Rao, Director, Divis Laboratory, India Prof. M. Alamgir, Member-UGC, Bangladesh Prof. Michael Koech, Kenyatta University, Kenya Dr. Nguyen T. S. Thang, ISPONRE, Vietnam Prof. Dr. Michael M. Nelles, Universität Rostock, Germany Prof. Dr. Machunda, Professor, Nelson Mandela Univ. Tanzania Dr. Rubén Rodríguez-Alegre, LEITAT Technological Center, Spain Prof. Dr. Md. Rafizul Islam, Professor, KUET, Khulna, Bangladesh, Prof. Dr. S. W. Rhee, Professor, Kyongyy University, South Korea Prof. Dr. Sasmita Samanta, Vice Chancellor, KIIT (DU), India Dr. S. V. Srinivasa, CSIR- CLRI, Chennai, India |
Research Areas of Editors | |
Editor-in-Chief: Sadhan Kumar Ghosh
Director, Sustainable Development & Circular Economy Research Centre, ISWMAW, Ex- Dean, Faculty of Engg. & Tech., Ex-Professor of Mechanical Eng & Founder Advisor, Centre for Sustainable Dev. & Resource Efficiency Mngt., Jadavpur University, India. Founder & President, International Society of Waste Management, Air & Water (ISWAMW), Ex-Director, CBWE, Govt of India, Ministry of Labour & Employment, Web: |
Areas of Interest: Solid Waste (Policies, Supply Chain, Recycling, Material & Final Disposal), Liquid Waste Management, Sustainable Env Management, Management of wastes (Hazardous Wastes, E-waste, Plastic Waste, C&DW, & BMW), EPR, Policy & legislation, Waste Coprocessing, Lean Manufacturing, Zero waste, Material & Energy Recovery, 3R, Circular Economy, Resource Efficiency, Secondary Raw Materials, Waste to Energy, Business Excellence Models, Related ISO Standards. |
Editor: Ronald L. Mersky,
Professor of Civil Engineering, Chair, Department of Civil Engineering, Director of Solid Waste Project, Director of Engineering Outreach; Widener University, Chester, PA 19013, USA |
Areas of Interest: Solid waste topics (recycling, landfilling, and energy recovery); Environmental impacts of waste management; Public involvement in the environment; Environmental engineering |
Associate Editors |
Agamuthu Pariatamby,
Professor, Special Studies Division, Jeffrey Cheah Institute on Southeast Asia; and Jeffrey Sachs Center on Sustainable Development; Sunway University, Malaysia,; |
Areas of Interest: SWM, Plastic Biodegradation, Sustainable Env. Management, Life Cycle Analysis, Hazardous Wastes, Solid Substrate Technology, GHG Reduction, MFA & POPs, Circular Economy, EPR, Waste-to- Energy. |
Atul Narayan Vaidya,
Director, CSIR-NEERI, [National Environmental Engineering Research Institute], Nagpur, India |
Areas of Interest: Solid and hazardous waste management. quantification and characterization of solid and hazardous wastes; designing of secure landfills; eco-toxicological studies on landfill leachates; designing of MSW transportation system; recycling and reuse of MSW management; and GHG emissions from landfills, Technological options for environmentally sound management of haz. wastes in industries. |
Debendra Chandra Baruah,
Department of Energy, Tezpur University, P.O.- Napaam, Tezpur, Assam – 784028, India |
Areas of Interest: Bioenergy, Rural and agriculture energy management, |
Dhanada K. Mishra,
Technical Director, Product; RaSect AI (; Hong Kong; |
Areas of Interest: Cement substitution and alternative cement, Circular economy, Recycling and Value addition, Climate Change, Carbon Footprint and Sustainable Construction, Sustainability of Built Infrastructure, Cement-based Composites. |
Francesco Di Maria,
Associated Professor, Head of the LAR Laboratory (Reuse, Recycle, Recovery of Waste and Residues), Dipartimento di Ingegneria, University of Perugia. Università degli Studi di Perugia, Italy |
Areas of Interest: Waste disposal, recycling and recovery of waste and residues with particular attention to integrated sustainable approach |
Harish Hirani,
Professor, Mech Engg Dept., IIT Delhi; Ex-Director, CMERI-CSIR, Durgapur, WB; India |
Areas of Interest: Design, operation and maintenance of waste disposal plants. Design, O&M of waste water treatment plants |
Prasad Kaparaju
Associate Professor, Environment Engineering – Renewable Energy, Griffith School of Engg, Griffith University, Australia |
Areas of Interest: Biomass to Biofuels, bioethanol & biofuel production & conversion technologies, nutrient and energy recovery from industrial & agricultural wastes; BioCNG production. Anaerobic Digestion, Env. Biotechnology & Bioprocess Engg, Biomass Pre-treatment & Characterization, Climate Change, GHG Mitigation, Waste and wastewater treatment, biohydrogen etc. |
Director, IGES [The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies] Centre Collaborating with UNEP on Environmental Technologies (CCET), 2108-11, Kamiyamaguchi, Hayama, Kanagawa, 240-0115, Japan |
Areas of Interest: Participatory planning, decentralised/ bottom-up development policies, sustainable cities, waste management, 3R (reduce, reuse and recycle), circular society |
Richard Blanchard,
Reader in Renewable Energy, Wolfson School of Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering; Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire, Holywell Park; UK; |
Areas of Interest: Bioenergy systems, energy for development, sustainability (including life-cycle assessment), and e-learning, Strategic Environmental Assessment of Renewable Energy Policy. |
Prof. Dr. Regina Mambeli Barros,
Professor de Resíduos Sólidos, The Federal University of Itajubá, Brazil, |
Strategic Environmental Assessment of Renewable Energy Policy, |
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Sinan BİLGİLİ,
Civil Engineering Faculty, Env. Engineering Department, Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey |
Areas of Interest: Focus on sustainable landfill gas management and treatment, waste characterization, municipal waste management, hazardous waste management, biological treatment of waste, hybrid methods for leachate treatment, water and wastewater treatment, hospital wastewater, micropollutant treatment and control, sewage sludge gasification, and environmental effects of nanomaterials. |
Dr. Tapas Das,
Hal and Inge Marcus School of Engineering, Main Campus (Lacey), Saint Martin’s University, 5000 Abbey Way SE, Lacey, WA 98503, USA |
Areas of Interest: Water, Domestic & Industrial wastewater treatment, hospital wastewater, sewage sludge treatment, and env. sustainability. |