Proceedings of

23rd International Conference on  
Solid Waste Technology and Management

Philadelphia, PA USA 

March 30- April 2, 2008

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 Table of Contents


Recycling 1


Locating Regional Materials Recovery Facilities: A Case Study, Shoou-Yuh Chang, Rebecca Cramer, Kumar Bindiganavile, Elobeid Elobeid, USA



Strategies for Developing a Financially Self-Sustaining Rural Recycling Program, Dr. Alfred H. Stiller, Hayward Helmick, Dr. Robert McConnell, Laura Stiller, USA






Contaminated Sites and Landfill


Bioremediation of Contaminated Sites in the Chilean Patagonia: A Complex Project Management Case Study, Eduardo Ordóñez-Ponce, Juan R. Candia,Chile


Study on Factors Controlling Biodegradation Rate of Tetrachloroethylene for Remediation of Illegal Dumping Sites, Mika Otsuka, Toru Furuichi, Kazuei Ishii, Noboru Tanikawa, Japan


Stabilisation Solidification of ‘Galligu’,  Arrash Shirani, Keith Williams, , Anthony Griffiths, Andrew Bates, Christine Mardle,  UK



Effect Of Sugar Waste And Surfactant Waste On The Degradation Of Anaerobic Bioreactor Landfill Components, Vijesh Karatt Vellatt, Dr.John T.Novak, USA





Energy Recovery


Waste-to-Energy in Romania. Case Study – City of Bucharest, Dr.eng. Alexei Atudorei, Dr.eng. Elena Dumitru, Romania


Assessing The Feasibility Of Waste Derived Fuels With High Moisture Contents, Dr Richard Marsh, Vincent Cleary, Tony Griffiths, Keith Williams, UK


The Influences of K2CO3 and ZnO on the Major Products Obtained from the Plasma Torch Pyrolysis of Sunflower-oil Cake, Je-Lueng Shie, Ching-Yuan Chang, Chin-Ching Tzeng, Chung-Yu Wu, Wen-Kai Tu, Min-Ha, Yuan, Lin-Kai You, Kai-Lung Lin, Heng-Yi Li, Ching-Hui Kuo, Yuh-Jenq Yu, and Lieh-Chih Chang, Taiwan






MSW Systems Management



Improving Resource Efficiency Practices Within the Construction Sector: A Case Study of Tingdene Homes in the UK, Joanna Walker, Terry Tudor, Janet Jackson, Paul Philips, UK


Software Tool For Designing, Optimising And Managing Household Waste Collection Services, Elodie Dubois, Olivier Trullier, France



Analytic Hierarchy Method of the Priority Utilization List for Hazardous Waste, Ying Chen, Jinhui Li, China






Utilization of Fly Ash


Hydraulic Conductivity of Fly Ash for Sealing Layer , Katarzyna Zabielska-Adamska, Poland



Recycling Coal-Fired Power Plant “Fly Ash”, Matthew Franchetti, Elaine Vonderembse, USA




Construction and Demolition Wastes



Laboratory Investigation of Moisture Susceptibility of Hot Mix Asphalt Mixtures with Waste Roofing Shingles, K.M. Purcell, Soon-Jae Lee, Serji Amirkhanian, USA


Results of a National Survey of Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling Facilities, Andria Vachon, John M. Halstead, USA





Biological Treatment



European Case Studies for Anaerobic Digestion of Biomass, Dr.-Ing. Dieter Korz, Germany


Biogas Potential And Digestion Rates of Food Wastes In Anaerobic Digestion Systems, Dr Richard Marsh, Julian Steer, Tony Griffiths, Keith Williams, UK


Construction and Operation Comissioning of the Mechanical Biological Treatment Plant (MBT) Kahlenberg – Results of A Monitoring Research Project Which Is Promoted By The EC, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Rettenberger, Germany


Methane Production From Anaerobic Digestion Of Food Waste , Massimiliano FabbricinoGiovanni Esposito, Italy


Study of Exit Gas Composition in a Bubbling Fluidized Bed Combustor Using Rice Husk, S.K.Mohapatra, Jimmy Bhandari, India




Geotechnical Topics


Technical Safeguards for Earth Constructions with Demolition Waste and Contaminated Soils, Heyer, Birle, Germany


A Review of the Biochemical and Mechanical Processes Involved in Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Settlement, Joseph J. Lifrieri, Paulus Sokolowski, Dorairaja Raghu, USA





Waste Composition and Generation



Modeling the Energy Content of MSW of Delhi, Sushmita Mohapatra, Kasturi Gadgil, India


Determinants of Municipal Solid Waste Generation and Recycling in Western New York Communities, Ian Miller, Amber Lauzon, Bruce Wattle, Merrilee Ritter, USA


Criteria Based Spatial Decision Support System for Municipal Solid Waste Management in Nagpur Urban Area using GIS, Y B Katpatal, Rohit Mane, D.K. Agrawal, India


Domestic Solid Waste Quantity and Composition   Analysis in Arada Sub-City,Addis Ababa, Yitayal Beyene Hailu, Tenalem Ayenew, Prof.Kebed Faris, Feleke Zewuge, Ethiopia


Using a GIS System in Natural Resources Management and Recycling of Solid Waste with Public Awareness in Marjeyoun, Jean Georges Chatila, Lebanon






Public Involvement



Environmental Education: A Tool To Improve Sanitary Practices of The Residents at Purok 10, Barangay 9-A, Davao City, Philippines, Dr. Albert B. Jubilo, Engr. Lilia F. Panchito, Philippines


A Study on Evaluation of Resident Preference of a General Waste Treatment Facility by Conjoint Analysis, Motoko Yamanari, Sohei Shimada, Japan


Public Involvement In Local Waste Management Strategy Development And Facility Planning: Exploring Opinions From Stakeholder Groups, Kenisha Garnett, Dr. Tim Cooper, Dr. Mike Heath, Geoff Cartwright, UK


LiFE: An Educational Tool for a Clean Environment in Cities in Malaysia, Piakong Mohd. Tuah, Malaysia


Public Involvement in Solid Waste Management in Uganda, Kenneth Tumusiime, Uganda



Chemical and Biochemical Treatment


Modification of Pyrolytic Char Prepared From Waste Tires For Enhancing Contaminant Uptakes From Aqueous Solutions, Augustine Quek Tai Yong, Rajasekhar Balasubramanian, Singapore





Electronic Wastes


An Examination of the Environmental Impact of Electronic Waste Disposal, Ashraf Ghaly, USA


Conceptual Analysis Of Electronic Waste: Revisiting The Definition Of Waste And The Classes Of Wastes, Eva Pongrácz, Jenni Ylä-Mella, Riitta Keiski, Finland




Environmental Analysis




Use Of Biomass In The Light Of Co2 Emission And Sustainable Development, Tamas Dienes, Hungary



The Trend And The Outline Of Solid Waste Technology In Japan-Introduction Of Technology And Operation Case-, Arihiro Okamoto, Teruaki Tsukamoto, Yoji Sato, Takanobu Miyaki, Japan



Waste and Pollution: The Silent Killers, Sohail Raza Dodhy, Pakistan


Microbiological Indicators of Well Water Pollution and the Probability of Cholera Outbreaks and other Diseases: The case of some Neighbourhoods in the City of Douala Cameroon, Epule Terence, Sweden, Balgah Sounders Nguh, Cameroon




Kitchen and Organic Wastes


Systems Analysis of Waste Management by Biogasification of Charged Kitchen Waste in Japan, Takeshi Sato, Toru Furuichi, Noboru Tanikawa, Kazuei Ishii, Japan


High Quality Organic Manure Generation From Solid Biodegradable Waste Using Nisargruna Technology, Mehetre Sayaji, Srivastava Manoj , Kale Sharad, India


Biochemical and Spatial Based Selection of Anaerobic Digestion Feedstock California and Washington Case Study, U. Zaher, T. Ewing,  S. Chen, USA


Studies in Boilers Based on Biomass Fuels Using CFD, S.K.Mohapatra, Ravi Inder Singh, Dr. D.Gangacharyulu, India








Integrated MSW Management


Multi Criteria Decision Making For Regional Waste Management Systems Using Analytic Network Process, Naoki Sato, Toru Furuichi, Kazuei Ishii, Noboru Tanikawa, Japan


Integrated Waste Management For The City Of Nashik In India, Shivkumar Vanjari, Sham Asolekar, India



Technique Of Municipal Waste Management In Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria, Awajiogak Anthony Ujile, Nigeria


GIS and Soild Waste Management in Egypt, Dr.Manal El-Batran,  Dr. Laila Iskander, Egypt


Solid Waste Collection Optimization Using a Route Time Approach: A Case Study for an Urban Area of Mauritius., Mr. Gukhool Oomesh, Dr. Bokhoree Chandradeo, Prof. Mohee Romeela, Mauritius, Dr. Jamnejad Gholam, UK






Bioreactor Landfills


Modeling Thermal and Biological Behavior of Bioreactor Landfills in Stationary Conditions before Leachate Injection, Gholamifard, Robert Eymard, Christian Duquennoi, France






Sludge Drying In CO2 Heat Pump Dryer, Flaga-Maryańczyk Agnieszka, Schnotale Jacek, Poland


Bioleaching of Metals from Aerobic and Anaerobic Sewage Sludges, Ashish Pathak, M. G. Dastidar, T.R. Sreekrishnan, India


Assessment of Toxic Effect of Pollutant Associated with Dry Sewage Sludge, Dr. Saleh Mohammed Al-Muzaini, Kuwait




Waste Utilization in Paving


Use Of Raw Chat In Hma Surface: Environmental And Engineering Characterization, Nazimuddin M. Wasiuddin, Musharraf M. Zaman, David Ross Boyd, Aaron Alexander, Robert W. Nairn, Wamiq B. Hamid, USA



Environmental and Mechanical Attributes of Pervious Rubberized Concrete, Ashraf Ghaly, Andrew Heiser, USA


Application of CFB Fly Ash for High Traffic Volume Pavement’s Base, Shih-Huang Chen, Jyh-Dong Lin, Jui-Mao Wang, Taiwan


Utilization of Incinerator Bottom Ash into Pavement, Jyh-Dong Lin, Po-Hsun Sung, Shih-Huang Chen, Taiwan








Decomposition Of Maize Straw For Production Of Glucose And Lactic Acid In Sub-Critical Water, Kong Lingzhao, Li Guangming, Wang Hua, He Wenzhi, Hu Huikang, Xu Jingcheng, Ling Fang, Huang Juwen, China


Heavy Metal Concentrations in Different Kinds of Finnish Fly Ash and Bottom Ash with Respect to The New Limit Values for Materials Used As an Earth Construction Agent“, Mr. Risto Pöykiö, Mr. Toivo Kuokkanen, Mr. Hannu Nurmesniemi, Mr. Kauko Kujala, Ms. Riitta Liisa Keiski, Finland


Future Building Blocks – Energy Efficient Concrete with Class F Fly Ash, M.-I. M. Chou, , S.-F. J. Chou, Lu-Ming Chen, Ph.D.,USA


The Study Of Environmental Impacts For End-Of-Life Vehicles In Taiwan, Sheng-Lung Lin, Chi-Hsieh Huang, Chao-na Wu, Chun-Hao Huang, , Taiwan (R.O.C.)


Removal of Heavy Metals from Laboratory Wasteliquid by the Ferrite Process at Different Reaction Temperature, Yuh-Jeen Huang, Chiu-Hui Tu, Chuan-Lun Lin, Ph.D. Taiwan



Utilization of Paper Mill Sludge as a Landfill Hydraulic Barrier Material in Finland, Mr. Risto Pöykiö, Mr. Kauko Kujala, Mr. Toivo Kuokkanen,Mr. Hannu Nurmesniemi, Mr. Matti Kuokkanen, M.Sc., Finland



A study on the Operating Model for Treating the Flammable and Harmful Wastes in Cement Kiln, Wenqiang Xiong , Min Xiong, China



Robust Control of Combustion Air Flows in a Dual-Chamber, Starved-Air Incinerator, Albert J. Liem, Anil Chhibber, Canada


Recovery of Copper from the Acid-Leachate of Printed Circuit Boards by Electrolysis Process, Yi-Chieh Lai, Wen-Jhy Lee, Kuo-Lin Huang, Taiwan


Making Belite-Rich Cement Clinkers with Industrial Inorganic Sludges, Ying-Liang Chen, PhD Juu-En Chang, Pai-Haung Shih, Li-Choung Chiang, Taiwan (R.O.C.)



A Study on Mechanical Properties of Building Material Using Recycled Sewage Sludge Ash , Jea-ik Lee, Byung-Wan Jo, Yeong-Seok Yoo, Kyeong Ho Cheon, Republic of Korea


Long-term Effects of Soil Pollution Near an Aluminium Smelter on Microbial Biomass, Soil Respiration and Enzyme Activities, J. C. Garcia-Gil, A. Polo, Spain, J. Kobza, Slovakia






Evaluation Of Coal Combustion Technologies For Electricity Generation Using A Multi – Criteria Analysis Approach, Artemis Aliverti, Achilleas Papadopoulos, Maria Loizidou, Greece



Use What You Have: Strategies for Developing a Hybrid Marketing Approach, Barbara L. MacLennan, Dr. Robert L. McConnell, Hye Yoon Jung, Dan Sanschagrin, USA


Ecological Solid Waste Management Evaluation Instrument: A Standard Guide To Determine SWM Effectiveness At Barangay 9-A, Davao City, Philippines, Dr. Albert B. Jubilo, Engr. Lilia F. Panchito, Engr. Angelita G. Fernandez, Mr. Arnel Francis V. Morales, Phlippines


Construction and Management Planning of Municipal Facility for Hazardous Waste Recycling and Recovery in China, Jinhui Li, Ying Chen, P. R. China



Development of Recycling Green Building Material Evaluation and Labeling System in Taiwan, Jyh-Tyng Yau, Shih-chi Lo, Jyh-Dong Lin, Taiwan




Composting Technology



Dealing With Air Emissions From Municipal Waste Handling & Processing Facilities With Consideration To System Performance And Energy Consumption, John Paul Phillips, Ireland


Oxic and Anoxic Thermophillic Biotechnological Treatments of Solid Food Waste for Value Added Products Retrieval: Recent Progress, S.N.Mukhopadhyay, India


Integrated Modeling Tool to Optimize Co-digestion of Solid Wastes, U. Zaher, USA, P. Buffiere, J.-P. Steyer, France




Management of Special Wastes



Analysis Of Acid Tars: Composition, Environmental Implications, And Possible Management Methods, Sunday Augustine Leonard, UK



The Effect Of Domestic Hazardous Waste In The Municipal Solid Waste Anaerobic Degradation, Márquez-Benavides, L., Sánchez-Yánez, J.M., Hernández-Berriel, Ma.C., Orantes-Avalos, J.C., Buenrostro-Delgado O., México



Fridge Recycling – Can it be done without Endangering the Environment, Dipl. Ing. Christoph Becker, Luxembourg




Landfill Gas and Liners


Methodology for estimating the methane potential of a closed landfill, Dr Joseph C. Akunna, Mr Kazi Hasan, Mr Kenneth Kerr, UK



Utility of Solid Waste as BioGas and Allied Source of Energy, A.P. Verma, Uma K.Verma, India





Agricultural Wastes Utilization


Slaughterhouse Waste Management Study in Urban Area, Mervat El-Hoz, Lebanon


Prediction Model of River and Groundwater Contamination Caused by Livestock Manure in a River Basin, Kazuei Ishii, Toru Furuichi, Noboru Tanikawa, Japan


Removal of Remazol Red 5B Using Rubber Wood Activated Carbon,  S.Shamshath Begum

R.A.Ramanujam,  S.Sadulla, T.Rema, Lima Rose Miranda, Central Leather Research Institute, India





Health Care Wastes 1


Healthcare Waste Management Issues in Bangladesh, M. Habibur Rahman, M. Ashrafur Rahman, Bangladesh, Masum Ahmed Patwary, UK





Mining and Metal Works Wastes



“Mine Closure Planning in Indian Coal Mines” Optimization Of Solid Waste Dumps Vis-À-Vis Land Requirement-A Case Study, Ailoni Rajendra Prasad Reddy, Indonesia &India, Dr.CHSN. Murthy,, India


Drying and Oxidation During Surface Disposal of Paste Tailings, Rachel Bryan, Paul Simms, Canada


Coal Waste Management by Agglomeration of Coal Fines Using Non-edible Vegetable Oils, G. H. V. C. Chary, M. G. Dastidar, India


Implementing Risk Assessment in Mine Reclamation, Ladan Mohammadi, John A. Meech, Canada


Filtration Characteristics of Metal Hydroxide Sludges Produced by the High Density Sludge Process, C. j. Bullen , A. J. Griffiths,  Keith Williams, United Kingdom




Use of Wastes in Construction 2


Carbonation Behavior of Mortar Produced by Alkali-Activation of a Granulated Blast Furnace  Slag, Susan Bernal, Erich Rodriguez, Ruby Mejia de Gutierrez, Colombia


Thermal Behavior of Sustainable Cement, Erich Rodriguez, Susan Bernal, Ruby Mejia de Gutierrez, Colombia



Effect of Over Consolidation Ratio on Shear Strength Behavior of Fly Ash, Sarvesh Chandra, Pawan Kumar Singh, Anubhav, India


Industrial Solid Wastes Recycling Potentials in Construction Materials, Asokan Pappu, Mohamed Osmani, Andrew Price, UK


Control of Soil Swelling Pressure Using Iron Filling and Iron Filling Cement-Mixture, Mousa Attom, Magdi El-Emam, United Arab Emirates







Use Of Waste From Waste-Water Treatment In Production Of Fuels For Thermal Treatment Processes, Malgorzata Wzorek, Leon Troniewski, Poland


MERCURY IN ALTERNATIVE FUELS The Quality Assessment Adopted By Pirelli In Its High Quality SRF Production Plant, Luca Zucchelli, Carlo Zanotta, Andrea Airaghi, Italy



Utilization Of Thermally Treated Flue Gas Desulphurization Gypsum In Cement And Concrete, Xiao-lu Guo, Hui-Sheng Shi, China



Comparative Implementation of RA 9003 of the Two Barangays in Davao City, Philippines, Maribel Rico-Blones, Philippines



Mountaineers Recycle, Barbara Angeletti, Laura Stiller, Greg Adolfson, USA



Using Supercritical Fluid Extraction to Remove Heavy Metals from EAF Dust in Steelmaking Industry, Chin-Tsun Hsieh, Min-Hsin Liu, Huang-Mu Lo, Taiwan


Using Supercritical Fluid Extraction to Remove Pyrene from EAF Dust in Steelmaking Industry, Li-Ming Sun, Min-Hsin Liu, Huang-Mu Lo, Taiwan


Influence Of Sulfate On MSWI Ash For Cement Sintering, Pai-Haung Shih, Li-Choung Chiang, Yi-Kuo Chang, Meng-Han Tsai, Taiwan


Daily Key Household Waste Substrates From Sri Lanka Effectively Convert To Mass Production Of Beauveria Bassiana, Thurkathipana Navaneethan, Belgium, Dr.Gunasingam Mikunthan, Sri Lanka



The Effect Of Selected Metals On MSW Anaerobic Digestion, Huang-Mu Lo, Min-Hsin Liu, Kung-Chung WuKuo-Ching Lin, Tonni Agustiono Kurniawan, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


Liquid Crystal Displays: Material Content and Recycling Practices , Jenni Ylä-Mella, Eva Pongrácz, Riitta L. Keiski, Finland



The Use of Sulfur By-Product Material as Fine Aggregate Substitute in Concrete Mixes, Khalid M. Yousri, Egypt




Landfill and Leachate




Municipal Solid Waste Anaerobic Degradation Under Two Different Leachate Recycling Regimes, Hernández-Berriel, Ma.C., Márquez-Benavides, L., Mañón-Salas, Ma.C. , Buenrostro-Delgado O.,  Alfaro-Cuevas-Villanueva, R., México


Monitoring System Design for Evapotranspiration Cover Trial of Municipal Waste- A Case Study of Morwell Landfill, Liam Cox, Dilip Nag, Australia



Rehabilitation of Al-Qurain Landfill, Eng. Mohammed M. Alenezi, Eng. Farahat Mahrous, Dr. Mohammed Alsarawi, Kuwait



Composting Applications



The applicability of community-based composting in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Dave Faris Yousif, Steffanie Scott, Canada


A Lumped Parameter Model Of Closed System Composting, P. V. Ramasamy, Dr. C. Bokhoree, Prof. R. Mohee, Dr. G. Jamnejad, Mauritius



Vermicomposting:Organic Waste Management for Societal Development, Pushpalata Dubey, Ph.D., India, Hemant K. Tewary, Ph.D, USA




Developing Regions Case Studies 1


Food For Waste Collection And Disposal: A Contingency Polythene Waste Management Approach , Amam William Ikechukwu, UK, Bishop Dr Okorie Kenneth, Uzochukwu Ene, Nigeria




Industrial Wastes


A Study On The Structural Behavior Of Reduced Pyrite Ash Pellets By Xrd And Xrf Analysis, Mehmet Burçin Pişkin, Dr., Emek Moroydor Derun, Nurcan Tugrul,, Ahmet Ekerim, Turkey


Co-Combustion Of Wood Chips With The Biomass Obtained From The Physico-Chemical Treatment Of Slaughterhouse Wastewater For Steam Generation – A Case Study, Elaine Virmond, Silvia Layara Floriani, Humberto Jorge José, Regina de Fátima Peralta Muniz Moreira, Brazil


Recovery Of Chromium From Stainless Steel Dust, Dr Sanjay Prasad, Dr B.D.Pandey, Prof.S.P.Mehrotra, India


Influence of Admixtures on Paste Behaviour and the Role of Surface Area on Remobilisation, Jabulani S. Mahlaba, M.P. Augustyn, South Africa



Process Development for the Recovery of PGMs from Catalytic Converters, Attasak Jaree, Nahatai Chaikla, Thumrongrut Mungcharoen, Thailand


Perspective on Synergy of Chemicals and Hazardous Waste Management, Jinhui Li, Nana Zhao, Ying Chen, China


Characterization and Preparation of Waste Magnesium Chip for Hydrogenation Process, Muge Sari, Aysel Kanturk, Sabriye Piskin , Turkey








Recycling 2


Reusing PET Soft Beverages Bottles Improves Health Conditions in Rural Communities in Norte de Santander (Colombia), Carmen Leonor Barajas Forero, Colombia



The Ongoing Debate Over Single Stream Recycling, Daniel Lantz, Canada




Innovative Technologies


Phytoremediation using Lemna Minor for Removal of Lead (Pb) from Wastewater, Leela Kaur, Kasturi Gadgil, Satyawati Sharma, India


Appllication of Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques For Disposal Of Waste, Dr.B.K.Singh, India


Study On Reutilization Of Aquatic Plant Remains From Made-Wetland For Pollution Control Of Lake, Deng Futang, PhD, Sun Peishi, Deng Fushang,, QingXiaoyan, YaoYong, China


Using Ultrasonication for Fast Production of Biodiesel from Waste Vegetable Oil in Egypt, S.T.El Sheltawy, A.A.Refaat, Egypt


Application Of Coal Combustion And Marble Processing Residues For Immobilisation And Recycling Of Hazardous Jarosite Waste, Asokan Pappu, UK, Dr. Mohini Saxena, , Shyam R. Asolekar, India





Use of Wastes in Construction 2


An Overview of the Utilization of Municipal Solid Waste Ash in Cement Concrete, Ritu Gupta, Rafat Siddique, India


Recycling of Fine Material with High Water Content, Antonio D’ Andrea, Mirella Maria Villani, PhD, Italy


Utilization of Cut Oil Based Mud in the Production of Blended Portland Cement, Tarek Amin Osman, Ezzat Mohamed Ali El Shimy, Hassan Hassan Assal , Egypt


Potential of Waste Gypsum in Making Value-Added Building Materials, Dr.Manjit Singh

Dr.Mridul Garg, India


Characterization and Some Possible Uses of Waste Marble Dust, Hanan El-Sersy, M. Abadir, W.A. Ahmed, O.A. Ibrahim, Egypt


An Experimental Investigation on the Suitability of Coarse Recycled Aggregate for High Strength Concrete, Salah R. Sarhat, Canada



Health Care Wastes 2


The Solid Waste Analysis and Minimization Research Project: A Joint Effort between Government, College, and Industry, Matthew Franchetti, USA


Lean Manufacturing as a Stepping Stone into Green Engineering, Kyle Bedal, Matthew Franchetti, USA




Developing Regions Case Studies 2


Investigation of Industrial Hazardous Wastes: a Case Study of Fars Province in Iran, N. Talebbeydokhti, P. Amirian, MS Graduate, I. Homayoonnezhad, Iran


Sustainability in Solid Waste Management in Guwahati City, Assam, India, Dr.Hari Prasad Sarma, India




Additional Topics


Environmental Impacts of Textile Industries in Lagos, Nigeria – A Consultant view point., Olatunbosun.S.S. Sojinu, Olufemi Dickson Adegoke, Nigeria



A study on the Manufacturing Si-Al-Ba-Fe alloy Directly From Coal Fly-Ash by Electro-thermal Method, Wenqiang XIONG, Min XIONG, China



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