Information For Speakers

Information for Speakers

Welcome to the ICSW 2021 Speakers Page. The following guidelines will provide you with important information concerning your presentation, proceedings paper, conference registration and fees.

Important updates will also be sent by email. If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail the Conference Manager at


  • Presentation Information Form submission: FEBRUARY 8, 2021
  • Speaker Registration Form submission: FEBRUARY 14, 2021
  • Registration Fee payment: MARCH 1, 2021
  • Proceedings Paper (optional): MARCH 1, 2021
  • Journal Paper (optional): No Deadline


  • Oral Presentations:

Oral presentations will be in virtual synchronous sessions on Monday, March 15 and Tuesday, March 16.  It is necessary that you have a web camera, microphone and high-speed internet connection.  You will be able to show PowerPointTM or video. Each presentation will be allocated 20 minutes plus a short time for questions.

  • Poster Presentations:

Poster sessions will be on Monday, March 15 and Tuesday, March 16.  You should save your poster as a high-quality PDF. Instructions for uploading your poster will be sent later. Multiple posters will be displayed in each poster session, which will last for 1 hour. The audience will see all poster PDFs and, by clicking on your poster, be able to meet with you for discussion.



Please complete the Presentation Information Form (click here) by February 8, 2021. If you are presenting more than one paper, please complete a separate form for each paper.

This form will be used in preparing the Conference Agenda. Therefore names, titles and other information should be exactly as you want them to appear in the Agenda (pay attention to capitalization, spelling and any abbreviations). The Agenda from ICSW 2019 can be viewed, as an example of the Agenda format: 2019 Agenda. This form also includes a biography of the person who will make the presentation (to be used to introduce the speaker), and an abstract of the paper (to be distributed to conference participants).

The entire Presentation Information Form must be completed in one session, so please review the entire form before beginning to enter information.  You may use cut/paste to fill in fields.


To register for the conference please submit the on-line Speaker Registration Form (click here) by February 14, 2021.

Please complete a separate form for each author who will attend the conference.

As a speaker, you are eligible for the discounted Speaker Registration Fee of USD 825 per person (the non-speaker Registration Fee is USD 1130). All co-authors attending the Conference may also register at the speaker rate. Students, including authors who are students, may register at the further discounted rate of USD 540. The Registration Fee includes a download of the Conference Proceedings and access to recordings of conference sessions for 30 days.

The Speaker Registration Form may also be used to purchase a discounted 1-year subscription to The Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management.

Payment, purchase order, or special payment arrangements must be received by March 1, 2021. For special payment arrangements, contact Dr. Ronald L. Mersky at While speaker registration fees are nonrefundable, you may transfer your registration to a substitute speaker at any time.


  1. PROCEEDINGS PAPER (optional)

The Conference Proceedings (in English) will be available to conference participants and to the public. The Proceedings will be published in digital format and printed in binders.

Proceedings Papers that are received by March 1, 2021 will be peer-reviewed.

If you wish to have your paper included in the Proceedings, please follow these instructions:

  • The paper must be submitted as one Microsoft® WORD file. The file must contain the complete paper, including all figures and tables in the correct locations.  The conference staff will not be able to merge files or edit the file.  The file should be sent as an email attachment to  Avoid zipping or any other feature which prevents standard opening of the file.
  • The font should be Times New Roman.  Text should be 12 point size single spaced with each progressive heading being 2 points larger.  You may use italics and bold as appropriate. Text should be black.  You may use color in figures, but the printed version of the Proceedings (which is the form usually purchased by libraries) will be printed in black only, so figures should be easily understandable when printed with a single color.  Light colors should be avoided as they may not print well.
  • The paper title should be centered in 16 point bold font at the top of the first page.  Leave 2 lines and then list the name (14 point, bold), organization (14 point, bold), and postal and email addresses (12 point, not bold) of each author. Leave 2 lines between the author information and the abstract. Leave 1 line between the abstract and the keywords.  Leave 2 lines between the keywords and the paper text.  The abstract and keywords headings should be 14 point bold.  You should list up to 6 keywords to be used for indexing purposes.



Advances in Plastics Recycling

B. A. Mensch, Ph.D.

Environmental Research Center

Ramot University

1234 Rechov Rachel

Jerusalem, Israel

Joseph A. Miller, P.E.

Department of Civil Engineering,

Marsupial University

Pouch Building, 41 Phurr Road,

Wilmington AB3 CD4, New South Wales, Australia





Keywords: recycling; plastics; economic analysis; waste collection; high density polyethylene; beverage containers







  • The Proceedings paper must not exceed a total of 12 pages when printed, including figures and references.  This limit is necessary in order to manage the size of the printed version.  The maximum allowable size of the file is 18 MB.  A longer version of the paper may be submitted to The Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management as described later.
  • The paper and a completed Transfer of Copyright Form must be received by February 1, 2021.  The Transfer of Copyright Form may be downloaded at Copyright Form.  It should be sent as a scanned or photo email attachment.
  • Papers larger than 12 pages or 18 MB or without Transfer of Copyright cannot be included in the Proceedings.  Papers cannot be included in the Proceedings unless the registration fee has been paid for at least one author.
  1. JOURNAL PAPER (optional)

In addition to the Conference Proceedings, you may also submit your paper to be peer-reviewed for possible publication in The Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management.  Papers submitted to the Journal may be of any length, so this allows for more thorough coverage of the topic than in the Proceedings.  To avoid double publication, there must be a noticeable difference between a paper submitted to the Journal and the Proceedings paper. To submit your paper to the Journal, follow the instructions at  There is no deadline to submit a paper to the Journal.



Please contact the Conference Manager, at:
