Proceedings of
26th International Conference on
Solid Waste Technology and Management
March 21-24, 2004
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Community Education and Action for Waste Reduction and Recycling
“Optimizing Recycling in all the Neighborhoods of New York City: The Role of Education, Barriers, and Program Changes,” Marjorie J. Clarke, USA
“The Economic Appraisal and Evaluation of Waste Minimisation Clubs: Proposals to Inform the Design of Sustainable Clubs,” Thomas Coskeran, UK
“Generation of Hazardous Domestic Waste by Socioeconomic Stratum: An Educational Proposal for its Handling,” Gabriela Lozano-Olvera, Sara Ojeda-Benitez, MEXICO
“The Influence of Marketing Communications on the Waste Reduction and Recycling Attitudes and Behviour of Rushcliffe Residents,” N. Mee, Debbie Clewes, Paul S. Phillips, UK
Landfill Analysis
“Odor Characterization from Landfill Cover Material,” Steven K. Dentel, Muserref Turkmen, Anne M. Germain, USA
“Evaluation of Operational Strategies in Landfills for Accelerated Waste Stabilization,” Aliye Suna Erses, Turgut T. Onay, TURKEY
“Landfill Redevelopment – McCullough’s Emerald Links Golf Course,” M. Brendan Mullen, Christopher E. Corliss, USA
“Are Conventional Test Cells Suitable for Measuring MSW Properties,” Olayiwola Oni, Ado Ekiti, NIGERIA, David Richard, UK
Sludge Management
“Rheological Characteristics of Untreated and Pre-treated Sewage Sludge,” January B. Bien, Beata Matysiak, ,Jurand Bien, POLAND
“Study on Development of a Thermal Jet Dryer for Sludges,” Naohito Hayashi, Sohei Shimada, JAPAN
“Anaerobic Pretreatment and Increased Solid Destruction of Organic Municipal Solid Waste and Secondary Sewage Sludge for Reuse and Recovery,” Dr. R. Saravanane, V. Murugaiyan, INDIA
Special Wastes
“Treatment of Lead Contaminated Spent-Battery Waste,” Mauro Ferrini, Vincenzo Gente, Paolo Massacci, Eleonora Pani, Luigi Piga, ITALY
“Chemical Characterization of Street Sweeping Residuals in Florida for Disposal and Reuse,” Young-Chul Jang, SOUTH KOREA, Paul Thurdekoos, Timothy G. Townsend, Thabet.M. Tolaymat, USA
“Diagnosis of the Waste Wood and Their By-products Generated by the Furniture Industrial Estate at the Gaucha Mountain Ridge Region,” Vania Elisabete Schneider, Everton Hillig, Lu�s Alberto Bertotto Filho, Maicon Roberto Rizzon, BRAZIL
“Factors Impacting the Economics of Dairy Waste Management,” Joseph M. Schultz, John F. Katers, USA
Waste Generation and Composition
“Urban Solid Residues—An Analysis of Generation from 1991 to 2003 in Two Cities of the Hilly Region in the State of Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil” Claudia Teixeira Panarotto, Vania Elisabete Schneider, Lu�s Alberto Bertotto Filho, Denise Peresin, BRAZIL
Bioreactor Landfills
“Critical Review: The Fate of Chemicals of Concerns in Bioreactor Landfills—An Active Engineering System,” Matthew Litman, James Y. Wang, USA
“An Economic Analysis of Aerobic Versus Anaerobic Bioreactor Landfills,” Jon T. Powell, Dr. Timothy G. Townsend, USA
“Bioreactor Landfills – In-Situ Instrumentation Systems Performance, Interpretation and New Directions,” Chris Zeiss, CANADA, Jim Norstrom, USA
Innovations in Construction
“The Use of Tannery Wastewater in the Manufacture of Clay Bricks,” Ahmed Mohammed Azab, Nadia Fahim Youssef, Dokki, Magdi Abadir, EGYPT
“Properties of High-Strength Fly Ash Concrete,” Dr. Rafat Siddique, INDIA
“Use of Rock Cut Residue from Santo Ant�nio de P�dua (Brazil) in Multiple-Use Mortars,” Jean Marie D�sir, Wllisses Menezes Afonso, Ricardo Schwan Moreira, Deborah Ferreira Dantas, BRAZIL
Combustion of Wastes
“Structure and Characteristic of 150t/d Circulating Fluidized-bed Municipal Waste Incinerator,” Deng Gaofeng, Assistant Engineer, Li Qinghai, Assistant, Zhang Yanguo, Associate Professor, Chen Yong, Professor Wu Zhansong, Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University, P.R. CHINA
“Combustion of Groundnut Shells in Fluidized Bed,” K.V.N. Srinivasa Rao, G. Venkata Reddy, INDIA
“Total Reduction of Sulfur and Nitrogen Oxides, Volatile Metals, Dioxins/Furans from Coal and Solid Waste Combustion,” Dr. Bert Zauderer, USA
Management Policies and Procedures
“Policy Formulation for Municipal Waste Management in Malaysia,” P. Agamuthu, J.V. Dennis, MALAYSIA
“Failure of On-Site Sanitary Facilities in Nigerian Urban Centres: Ibadan as Case Study,” O.A. Agbede, W.K. Kupolati, O.I. Akpokodje, NIGERIA
“Alternatives to Incineration for Dealing with Residual Municipal Waste in the U.K.: Opportunities and Barriers,” C. Coggins, P.S. Phillips, UK
“Proposal of a New Decisional Procedure for Industrial Wastes Management,” Massimiliano Fabbricino, ITALY
Landfill Design
“The Effectiveness of HDPE Induced by Settlement with the Final Cover System at SUDOKWON Landfill in Korea,” Jai-Young Lee, C.H. Moon, S.I. Choi, H.Y. Jeon, C.M. Choi, KOREA
“Assessment of the Suitability of Ewekoro Clay Members as Liner for Sanitary Landfills,” Dr. Ezechiel Oladapo Longe, Dr. Michael Olatunde Kehinde, Yunusa Yusuf, NIGERIA
“Tension in Geomembranes Placed on Landfill Slopes Under Static and Dynamic Loading,” N.I. Thusyanthan, Dr. S.P.G. Madabhushi, UK, Sukhmander Singh, USA
Rubber – Asphalt
“Mechanical Properties of Polymer-enhanced Rubberized Ashphalt,” Ashraf M. Ghaly, USA
“Performance of Rubberized Concrete Under Moderate Freeze-thaw Conditions,” Ashraf M. Ghaly, USA
“Influence of Scrap Rubber Amount on Rubber-Asphalt Viscoelastic Properties,” Piotr Radziszewski, Jerzy Pilat, Robert Ziolkowski, POLAND
“Influence of Amount of Crumb Rubber of Used Car Tires and Heating Time on Rubber-Asphalt Properties,” Piotr Radziszewski, Jerzy Pilat, Andrzej Plewa, POLAND
Medical Wastes Management
“Co-Composting of Agricultural Waste and Hospital Sludge in Turned Windrow Aeration System,” Dr. Khajovnsak Sopajaree, Apisit Sancom, THAILAND
“Evaluation of Hospital Sewage Sludge Used for Agricultural Purposes,” Dr. Khajornsak Sopajaree, Apisit Sancom, THAILAND
“Identifying Opportunities for Improving the Management of Waste Within an Acute Hospital Using a Systems Analysis Approach,” Anne C. Woolridge, Paul Phillips, UK
Community Involvement and Knowledge
“Public Participation in Municipal Solid Waste Management Programs,” Shoou-Yuh Chang, Samuel Massie, Donnette Stardivant USA
“A Methodology for Community Based Waste Management Decisions,” Anne Morrissey, Jim Browne, IRELAND
“Instrument for Identifying Environmental Conducts, Beliefs, and Knowledge Regarding Solid Waste Management,” Sara Ojeda-Benitez, Carolina Armijo-de Vega, H�ctor Arriola Zorrila, Ma Elizabeth Ram�rez Barreto, MEXICO
Landfill Leachate and Gas
“Numerical Evaluation of Spatial Variation in Waste Hydraulic Conductivity on Leachate Recirculation in MSW Landfills,” Mazen M. Haydar, Milind V. Khire USA
“The Potential ForUsing Recycled Plastic Materials for Landfill Drainage Media and Cover Membrane,” Richard Marsh, Ph.D. Student, Tony Griffiths, Senior Lecturer, Keith Williams, Reader, Charles Harris, Lisa Dymock, James Winstanley, Cardiff University, School of Engineering, Cardiff, UK
“Estimating Moisture Volume in a MSW Landfill During Refuse Infill,” Olayiwola Oni, Lecturer, NIGERIA, David Richards, Lecturer, Southampton, UK
Utilization of Ash
“Environmental Systems Analysis of the Use of Bottom Ash from Incineration of Municipal Waste for Road Construction,” Susanna Olsson, Erik K�rrman, Jon Petter Gustafsson, SWEDEN
“An Experimental Study on Reinforced Fly Ash,” Dr. Sarvesh Chandra, Professor, Shiv Chandra Ranjan, Kanpur, INDIA
“Experiments Related To The Use of a Domestic Biological Macerator at an ASM Canteen in Brescia,” Giulio Ferrari, Nicola Ferarri, R. Sammito, A. DalZero, Fabio, Verardi, ITALY
“Composite Basement Concrete Walls Using High-Volume Fly Ash” Luis Jimenez, Alex Aswad, Charles A. Cole, David Cottrell, USA
“Overcoming the Obstacles of Using Ashes in Swedish Road Construction—Experiences From Other EU Countries,” Dr. Erik K�rrman,, Denis Van Moeffaert, Dr. Henrik Bjurstr�m, SWEDEN
Biological and Biochemical Treatment
“Anaerobic Co-digestion of Solid Residue and Wastewater from Olive-oil Mills,” Bassim Abbassi, JORDAN
“Treatment of Cadmium-Bearing Liquid Waste With Fly Ash,” Dr. Kaushik Bandyopadhyay, Shri Biswajit Thakur, Prof. Amal K. Misra, INDIA
“In-Situ Vermicomposting for Reclaiming Saline Soils,” Pranveer S. Satvat, Dr. Vinod Tare, INDIA
Governmental Involvement
“Assessing Official Support for Waste Recovery: The Case of Gaborone,” Benjamin Bolaane, Dr. Mansoor Ali, UK
“Sustainable Development Legislation: Sacrificing Property Rights or Strengthening Property Values,” James R. Fox, Mujde Erten-Unal, USA
“The Landfill Tax Credit Scheme Under Review,” John R. Morris, UK
Landfill Leachate
“Comparing Arsenic Leachability in Landfill Leachates and in the TCLP,” Brajesh Dubey, Timothy Townsend, Helena Solo-Gabriele, USA
“Field-Scale Testing of Leachate Recirculation Blanket Made up of Scrap Tires,” Mazen M. Haydar, Milind V. Khire, Xianda Zhao, USA
“Organic Matter Attached to Waste Unsuitable for Incineration Treatment,” Tomoo Sekito, JAPAN
Utilization of Construction/Demolition Wastes
“Recycling and Reuse of Construction Waste Materials—A Case Study in Malaysia,” Rawshan Ara Begum, Chamhuri Siwar, Joy Jacqueline Pereira, MALYSIA
“Opportunities and Constraints For The Implementation of Drywall Recycling in Florida,” Kimberly M. Cochran, Timothy G. Townsend, USA
Improving MSW Operations
“Public Private Partnership in Community Based Solid Waste Collection Service Delivery; The Case of Dar Es Salaam City, Tanzania, East Africa, Alodia W. Ishengoma, EAST AFRICA
“Franchise SWM Services – Case Study of Lahore,” Shazia Khan, PAKISTAN
“Monitoring Municipal Waste for Radioactive Materials—Historical Overview and Case Study, City of Philadelphia’s Northwest Transfer Station,” Scott McGrath, Jack Siderer, USA
Solid Waste Management in Developing Regions
“Towards Efficient Waste Management in a Developing Country (Malaysia)—The Dilemma,” P. Agamuthu, S.H. Fauziah, C. Simon, MALAYSIA
“Municipal Solid Waste Management in Rural Municipalities of Mexico,” Otoniel Buenrostro, Isabel Israde, MEXICO
“Towards Sustaining Municipal Solid Waste Management in Urban Poor Communities in Phnom Penh City,” Veasna Kum, Alice Sharp, Napat Harnpornchai, THAILAND
“Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh: The Present and Future,” M. Habibur Rahman, BANGLADESH, S. Mansoor Ali, UK
“Solid Waste Management in Developing Nations,” Nwachuku Uche Godstime, NIGERIA
Use of GIS in Waste Management
“Site Suitability Analysis For Solid Waste Management and Disposal Using RS/GIS Technology, Case Study of Saharanpur City, UP-India 2002,” Bhesh Bahadur Thapa, Laxmi Kumar Shrestha, Kumar Khadka, NEPAL
“Identification of Environmental Design Disposal Sites for Municipal Solid Waste Management in Hyderabed City Using Remote Sensing and GIS—A Case Study from India,” Ms. Padnaja Vuppala, Siva Sankar Asadi, M. Anji Reddy, INDIA
“Location, Location, Location: The Use of GIS to Identify Relationships in Kerbside Recycling Participation,” Thomas Woollam, Keith Williams, Anthony Griffiths, UK
Chemical Treatment Processes
“The Role of Pyrolysis in the Treatment and Characterisation of Automotive Shredder Residue ASR,” Lucas James McGrady, UK
Appraisal of Waste Management
“Appraisal of the Role of Informal and The Formal Sectors in Urban Solid Waste Material Resource Recovery Activities,” Dr. Ezechiel Oladapo Longe, NIGERIA
“Abandoned Lime stone Quarry as Hazardous Wastes Secure land-fills: Issues and Concerns in Developing Countries in view of the failure of a Chromium Waste SLF in India,” Piyush Kant Pandey, Ph. D., Nilima Mishra, Ashish Bhui and Madhurima Pandey,Ph. D., INDIA
“How Education Can Help Reduce Solid Waste,” Ayitey Yao, GHANA
MSW Program Planning and Assessment
“Strategic Planning for Solid Waste Management in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, South Texas,” Syamaia Diwakaruni, Eric Davila, Ni-Bin Chang, USA
“Review and Assessment of Waste Management Strategy in Dublin, Ireland,” William L. Magette, Tony O’Brien, Matt Twomey, IRELAND
“Synchronized Waste Collection: Making Waste Collection More Effective,” Prince Osondu Nwaobiara, NIGERIA
Recycling 1
“A Comparative Study of Wheeled Bins Versus Degradable Polymer Sacks for the Kerbside Collection of Organics,” Dr. Georgina Davis, UK
“A Regional Sustainable Development Model: Generation of a Productive Chain Through Recyclable Solid Waste Mainly Paper and Cardboard,” Benito Gritzewski, Laura Meraz, MEXICO
“Box, Bag or Re-using a Supermarket Carrier Bag: A Trial of Different Recycling Receptacles,” T. Woollam, Andrew Emery, Richard Marsh, K. Williams, A. Griffiths, UK
“Is Recycling Garbage? —A Preliminary Report of a Pilot Study at Barry University, Miami, Florida,” Anita Z�vodsk�, USA
Environmental and Public Health Studies
“The Impact of Lead on the Street Children of Calcutat Metropolis and Their Quality of Life,” Ranajit Chakrabarty, Nirupama Bhattacharya, Jadavpur, Kolkata, INDIA
“Environmental Impacts Associated with Storage, Treatment, and Disposal of Solid Radioactive and Chemically Hazardous Waste at the Hanford Site, Richland, WA,” Wayne Johnson, Iral Nelson, David Payson, Kathy Rhoads, USA
“Examination of School Children Water Bottles for Microbial Contamination ,” W.K. Kupolati, O.O. Lasekan NIGERIA
“Studies on Water Quality Assessment: A Tool to Develop Sustainability,” Dr. S.N. Pathan, Archana K. Rangari Dr. V.R. Gunale, INDIA
Organic Wastes
“Evaluation of Municipal Solid Waste Composting,” Mervat El-Hoz, LEBANON
“Conversion of Coconut Coir Pith Into Biofertilizer by Solid State Fermentation,” Dr. Gopal Mugeraya, R. Ravishankar, INDIA
“A Study of the Fabric of Water Treatment Plant Residuals Using XRD, XRF, and EDS,” Dorairaja Raghu, Swamy C. Basim, USA
“Composting of Solid Waste in Bangladesh,” M. Habibur Rahman, BANGLADESH
“Discoloration of Pulp and Paper Mill Effluent by Activated Coconot Jute Carbon,” Tony Sarvinder Singh, R.C. Maheshwari, Asha Gupta, INDIA
MSW Modelling
“Prediction of MSW in Delhi: Application of sARIMA Model,” Ankit Agarwal, Ashish Singhmar, Dr. Arvind Kumar Nema, Dr. Atul Kumar Mittal, INDIA
“Optimal Siting of Material Recovery Facilities and Routing Strategy in an Urban Setting Under Uncertainty,” Eric Davila, Ni-Bin Chang, USA
“Prediction Models and Variables That Determine the Generation of Solid Waste in a Mexican Family,” Sara Ojeda-Benitez, Ra�l Adalberto Morelos, Onofre Rafael Garc�a-Cueto, Otoniel Burnrostro-Delgado, MEXICO
“Calibrating a Solid Waste Collection Model Using Electronically Collected Data,” Dr. Bruce G. Wilson, Betsy Agar, Dr. Brian W. Baetz, CANADA
“Application of Transportation Models for the Location of Used Tires Recollection Centers in a Border Town City Between Mexico and the United States of America,” Hector Arriola Zorrilla, Sara Ojeda Benitez, Ma. Elizabeth Ramirez Barreto, M. Carolina Armijo de Vega, MEXICO
“Dynamic Models Applied On Distribution, Generation and Final Disposition of Used Tires in a Border City,” Hector Arriola Zorrilla, Sara Ojeda Benitez, Ma. Elizabeth Ramirez Barreto, M. Carolina Armijo de Vega, MEXICO
“A Novel Seeding Method For Landfills,” Dr. Duncan J. Martin, IRELAND
“Air Injection Potential of Vertical Wells in an Aerobic Bioreactor Landfill as Characterized by a Short-term Air Pump Test,” Pradeep Jain, Timothy Townsend, Debra R. Reinhart, USA
“Modelling of Decompositions Processes in Landfills With Applications to the Organic Phase Transition,” Veronika Ustohalova, Tim Ricken, Renatus Widmann, GERMANY
Agricultural / Organic Wastes
“Advanced Mechanical Separation of Raw and Digested Dairy Manure,” John F. Katers, Joseph M. Schultz, USA
“Best Management Practices for the Use of Non-Traditional Organic Wastes in Agriculture in New Jersey/USA,” Uta Krogmann, Barbara F. Rogers, Lisa S. Boyles, Joseph R. Heckman, William F. Bamka, USA
“A Comparative Evaluation of Biowaste Utilisation Versus Other Fertilizers Using the Notion of CO2 Equivalence,” Jochen Schubert, Prof. Dr. Ing. R. Widmann, Clemens Rohde, Iris Steinberg, Dr. Anke Bockreis, , Prof. Dr. J. Jager, GERMANY
“Composting and Organic Farming: A Way Forward for Sustainable Solid Waste Management And Development in Under-Developed Countries—Case of Uganda,” Eric Ssserubogo, Shelliton Kibuuka, UGANDA
Technological Advances 1
“Compaction as an Effective Way of Fly Ash Property Improvement,” Katarzyna Zabielska-Adamska, POLAND
“Understanding the Behavior of Calcium Compounds in Petroleum Coke Fluidized Bed Combusiton (FBC) Ash,” E.J. Anthony, L. Jia, S.M. Burwell, CANADA, J. Najman, E.M. Bulewicz, POLAND
“Mechanical Properties of Processed MSWI Bottom Ash, Evaluated from Laboratory and Field Tests,” Dr. Maria Arm SWEDEN
“An Electrokinetic Technique for Processing Construction and Demolition Wood Waste for Recycling,” Hussam Sarahney, James Wang, Akram Alshawabkeh, USA
“Dust Production and Control Measures in the Grinding and Recycling of Type X Drywall,” Erik Spalvins, Timothy Townsend, USA
Packaging and Electronic Wastes
“Foam-glass: A Very Promising Way of Valorization for Cathode-ray Tubes,” M. Cambon, P. Yot, F. M�ar, B. Liautard, FRANCE
“Recovery of Precious Metals from End-of-Life Telephonic Boards,” Andrea Manni, Massacci Paolo, Piga Luigi, Maria Teresa Venezia, ITALY
“A Review of Alternative Treatment Methods of Packaging Waste in EY,” Dr. F. Tamaddon, Bengt G. Nilsson, Tetra Pak, SWEDEN
Technological Advances 2
“Bioremediation of Diesel Contaminated Soil by Co-digestion with Domestic Sewage Sludge,” Bassim Abbassi, JORDAN
“Utilization of a Walnut Shell based Activated Carbon for Effective Removal of Cyanide,”Manisha Mukherjee, Dr. D. S. Ramteke, Dr. R. Sarin, INDIA
“Magnetic Roasting Pyrite Cinder to Reclaim Iron by the Rotary Kiln,” Wang Xuesong, Li Chaoxiang, Fu Yuankun, CHINA
Recycling 2
“Recycling at the Office: A Research Study,” Linda E. Farmer, Apr, Community Relations Officer, City of Tacoma, USA
“The Feasibility of Plastic Film Recovery From Waste Sources,” Richard Marsh, Tony Griffiths, Keith Williams, Reader, Thomas Woollam, UK
Analysis of Solidification and Construction Use of Wastes
“Trace Element Transfer into Concrete Due to the Use of Wastes,” Matthias’ Achternbosch, Klaus-Rainer Braeutigam, Nicola Hartlieb, C. Kupsch, Ulf Richers, Peter Stemmermann, GERMANY
“Dissolution Potential and Chemical Characteristics of Stabilized Phosphogypsum for a Low Profile Fill Material in Costal Protection Devices,” Tingzong Guo, Senior Postdoctoral Research Associate, Pradyot S. Deshpande, Graduate Student, Kelly A. Rusch, Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
“Study of Leaching in Static Mode of Refractory Composite Inert Matrices Containing MgO, Al2O3 and TiO2,” N. Kamel, Attach�e de Recherche, H. Fodil-Cherif, Char�e d’Etudes, R. Yfsah, Charg� de Recherche, Centre de Recherche Nucl�aire d’Alger, H A�t-Amar, Professeur, U.S.T.H.B., Facult� de G�nie M�canique et G�nie des Proc�d�s, Alger, ALGERIA
“Potential Uses of Waste Paper Sludge as Roadbed Material,” Pickett T. Simpson, Visiting Research Scientist, Thomas F. Zimmie, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, RPI, New York, USA Pentti Lahtinen, Engineer, Vrataek, Ltd/SGT, FINLAND
“Stabilization/Solidification (S/S) of Arsenic-Containing Solid Wastes Using Portland Cement and Polymeric Materials,” Tony Sarvinder Singh, Research Scholar, Kamal K. Pant, Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, INDIA
Landfill Gas
“Engineering Strategies for Efficient Methan Oxidation in Landfill Cover Liners,” Christian Felske, CANADA, Renatus Widmann, GERMANY
“Study of the Methane Emissions and Methane Oxidising Bacteria in the Soil Cover of an Irish Landfill Site,” Ruth Nevin, Caroline O’Reilly, Emer Colleran, IRELAND
“Applying a Waste Management Model to Analyze Options for Geenhouse Gases at a Specific Landfill: Feasibility of Methane Recovery at Brady Road Landfill,” Sarayut Tanapat, Shirley Thompson, CANADA
“Hydrogen Sulfide Emission and Dispersion at Construction and Demolition Debris Landfills,” Qiyong Xu, Timothy G. Townsend, USA
Advanced Analysis Methods
“Relations and Recovery of Domiciliary Solid Waste Using Artificial Neural Networks: A Case Study of Chile,” Eduardo Ordonez-Ponce, Dr. Sandhya Samarasinghe, Lynn Torgerson, NEW ZEALAND
“Understanding the Recycling Decision Using the Theory of Planned Behaviour,” Michele Tonglet, Lecturer, Paul S. Phillips, Jill Roach, C. Coggins, UK