Proceedings of

20th International Conference on

Solid Waste Technology and Management

Philadelphia, PA USA

April 3-6, 2005

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Improving Recycling Participation 

“Public Engagement and Awareness Raising Programmes; the UK’s Best Practice Guide to Doorstep Recycling Promotions,” Dr. Adam D. Read, Anna Coates UK

“Different Waste Awareness Raising Techniques and their Affect on Recycling Rate,” Thomas Woollam, Richard Marsh,  UK


“Determining How to Encourage Householders to Participate in Waste Minimisation and Recycling,” Anne Woolridge, Michele Tonglet, Paul Phillips, Professor, Margaret Bates, University College Northampton, Northampton, UK


Landfill and Containment Studies

“Influence of Tensile Stresses in a Cementitious Borehole Plug-Rock System for Underground Waste Containment,” Haluk Akgün, Turkey, Jaak J.K. Daemen, USA,

“A New Approach for Estimating Differential Settlement of Soft Soils,” R.D. Espinoza, Shana Opdyke, USA

“Removal of Contaminants in Leachate from Landfill Using Wasted Steel Scrap and Converter Slag,” Byung-Taek Oh,  Jeyong Yoon, Jai-Young Lee, South Korea

“Microbial Dynamics in Simulated Landfill of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW),” Somathilaka E.G.W., Ishari W.K.D.C., Basnayake B.F.A., Mannapperume N.R.C., Banadara J.M.R.S., Sri Lanka



“Preliminary Evaluation of a Bentonite/Sand Mixture Seal for Underground Waste Isolation,” Mustafa K. Koçkar, Haluk Akgün, Özgür Aktürk, Turkey


Treatment and Utilization of Sludge and Organic Waste

“Chemical and Thermal Treatment of Rice Husks and Properties of Obtained Silica,” Ruby Mejía de Gutiérrez, Michel Ospina, Silvio Delvasto Arjona, Columbia




Chemical Research Advances

“Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Cellulose from Various Waste Sources,” Mr. Caijian Li, Pascale Champagne, Canada

“Modeling of Arsenic Removal by Coagulation and Sludge Stabilization,” Gletwyn Rubidge, Nicole Vorster, Bernard Zeelie,   South Africa



“Development of Plasma Torches for Recycling Hazardous Industrial and Military Wastes,” David Gelenidze, Georgia


Waste Generation and Composition

“Quantification and Characterization of the Flow of Packages and Packagings Present in Residential Solid Waste in a Mexican Family,”  Sara Ojeda-Benitez, USA

 “Profiles of the Generation and Composition of Residential Solid Waste by Family Typology,” Ma. Ysabel Márquez Montenegro, Sara Ojeda-Benitez, USA


Landfill Advances


“Environmental Impact Assessment Of Shiraz Landfill,” Nasser Talebbeydokhti, Ali Reza Salehi, Iran

 “Accelerated Methane Oxidation in Landfill Covers in Cold and Dry Regions,” Chris Zeiss, Alberta


Energy Production

“A New Waste-to-Energy Technology,” Eric H. Reichl, USA

“Sources of Chlorine in MSW and RDF – Species, Analytical Methods and Behavior in Treatment Processes,” Matthias Schirmer, Biltewski Bernd, Susanne Rotter, Germany

“Advanced Coal Combustion Technologies – Energy Generation and Solid Waste Management,” Ramesh Gopal, S. Rao Chitikela, Suresh Chandran, USA


Site Remediation

“An ANP-based Decision Analytic Model for Evaluation of Remedial Countermeasure Strategies of Contaminated Sites,” Michael Angelo B. Promentilla, Tohru Furuichi, Kazuei Ishii, Noboru Tanikawa, Japan



“Sequentially Enhanced Electrokinetic Remediation for Chromium Contaminated Soils,” D.L. Shah, L.S. Thakur, S.G. Shah,  India

“Waste Management Issues and Options in Hydrocarbon Exploration and Productions Activities – An Overview of Emerging Scenario With Reference To Indian Content,” Amit Srivastava, Kavita Sharma,  Kasturi Gadgil, India


Utilization of Wastes in Construction Materials

“Production of Lightweight Concrete by Using Pumice Aggregate and Industrial Boric Acid Wastes,” Emek Moroydor Derun, Ulku Banu Sarialioglu, Mehmet Burcin Piskin, Sabriye Piskin, Turkey

“Recycling of Some Solid Wastes with Low Grade Kaolin for Utilizing as Acid Resisting Clay Bricks,” Medhat Sobhy El-Sayed El-Mahllawy, Nasser Gamal Abd El-Ghafour, Aly Mohamad Sharara, Egypt

“Construction and Performance of a Tire Shred-sand Demonstration Embankment,” Sungmin Yoon, Jie Zhang, USA

“Mechanical Characteristics of Rubberized Concrete Subjected to Cycles of Severe Low Temperature,” Ashraf M. Ghaly, USA


“Non-Conventional Concretes Based on GGBS,” Ruby Mejia de Gutierrez, Susan Bernal, Erich Rodriguez, Silvio Delvasto Arjona, Jorge Maldonado, Colombia



Leachate Studies

“Relationship of Waste Characteristics to the Formation of Mineral Deposits in Leachate Drainage Systems,” Antonio Cardoso, Lisa Rhea, Bina Nayak, Audrey Levine, Valerie Harwood, USA

“A Statistical Analysis of Wyoming Landfill Characteristics Contributing to Ground Water Impacts,” Marjorie E. Bedessem, Travis W. Halleman, Richard Anderson-Sprecher, USA

“Landfill Leachate Monitoring: A Case Study,” Claudio Fernando Mahler, Maria Alice Ferreira, Wanda Maria Risso Günther, Brazil


“A Methodology to Quantify Leaching Capacities,” Dorairaja Raghu, Hsin-Neng Hsieh, USA


Environmental Education and Public Response

 “Environmental Education Measures its Results,” Manfred Fehr, Kally Alves de Sousa, Max Maciel de Oliveira e Domingues, Mirlaine Queiroz Santos, Brazil

“Influence of Dairy Products’ Packaging on the Consumer’s Decisions Related to Shopping with a Special Focus on the Ecological Factor,” Maja Czaplicka, Poland

“Human Element in Waste Management and the Role of Cultural Values and Attitudes: The Third World Perspective,” Jerry E-Uhuo, Okemefuria S.E. Vebemno, Nigeria


Recycling Technology and Analysis

“An Update on Reuse of Waste Paper Sludge Technology for Landfill Cover,” Pickett T. Simpson, Thomas F. Zimmie, USA



“Biosolids Land Application as a Method of Passive Stabilization of Pulp and Paper Mill Biosolids,” Trisha Westman, Pascale Champagne, Lori Greco, Canada

“Predicting Household set out rate in Kerbside Recycling Schemes,” Thomas Woolam, Keith Williams, Tony Griffiths, UK


Recycling Studies

“Understanding Participation in New York City’s Recycling Program,” Marjorie J. Clarke, Ben Mancell, USA


“The Positive and Negative Issues Associated with Promoting an Existing Kerbside Dry- Recycling Scheme in the UK,” Georgina Davis, UK

“Challenges of Scavengers in Malaysia,” Seow Ta Wee, Malaysia

“Life Cycle Assessment of Plastics Recycling,” Shoou-Yuh Chang, Elobeid A. Elobeid, USA


Landfill Location, Restoration and Redevelopment

“The Landfill Location Criteria Calculator: A Risk-based Approach to Solid Waste Management,” Douglas Buteyn, Jennifer Roberts, Leslie Simmons, USA

“Proposal of Restoration and Reclamation System for Illegal Dumping and Uncontrolled Landfill Sites Based on Biotechnology,” Kazeui Ishii, Tohru Furuichi, Noboru Tanikawa, Rokuta Inaba, Japan


Composting/Biological Treatment

“Commercial Scale Dynamic Respiration Rate as a Process Optimisation Tool. Methods, Results and Analysis from Several Different Composting Systems,” Guy Hewings, Tony Griffiths, Keith Williams, David Notton, UK

“Anaerobic Digestion as a Method for the Treatment of Organic Residues Generated by Municipal and Ambulant Markets,”  Otoniel Buenrostro Delgado, Liliana Marquez-Benavides, Mexico

“Biochemical Properties of Compost from Kitchen Garbage in Bangladesh,” Azizul Moqsud, Japan, M. Habibur Rahman, Bangladesh

“Composting in Brazil,” Adriana Soares de Schueler, Claudio Fernando Mahler, Brazil


“Study on Biological Waste Management Taking into Account of Supply-Demand Balance,” Tomoko Iwata, Sohei Shimada, Japan


Ash Utilization and Treatment

“Utilization of Fly-ash in Ash Dyke Construction – A Case Study,” Umesh Dayal, USA, Chittaranjan Patra, India

“Use of Fly Ash and/or Cement Additives to Reconstitute Disturbed Clays,” Ashraf M. Ghaly, USA, James Christensen, USA

“Incorporation of Starch in Waste Ashes and Its Impact on Porosity Formation of Ceramics,” S. Bethanis Lecturer, Greece and C.R. Cheeseman, UK

“Accelerated Carbonation of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration (MSWI) Residues,” Xiaomin Li, UK, Marta Fernández Colin D. Hills, Paula J. Carey, Stef J.R.Simon,


“Production of Synthetic Aggregates From Waste Ashes,” Sofia Bethanis, UK



Recycling Analysis

“Environmental Impacts of Solid Waste Recycling: A Case Study,” Shoou-Yuh Chang, Kumar Bindiganavile, USA

“Modelling Production Costs for Recovery Processes of Municipal Solid Waste,” Dr. André LeBozec, France


“Fort Chaffee Case Study: Evaluation of the Economic Viability of Deconstruction and Salvaged Wood Remanufacturing,” Paolo Legaspi, Dr. Eddy Dean Smith, Ron Webster, USA


“Lessons from Ring Fenced Funding for Waste Management Improvements in the UK: Global Implications of Different Approaches for Driving Recycling Infrastructure and Service Delivery,” Adam D. Read, John Downer, UK


Landfill Gas

“Build Me a Gas Pipeline: A Case History of a 13-Mile Landfill Gas Project,” Robert Hasemeier, Joel Zylstra USA

“Source Analysis for Volatile Organic Compounds Data at the Camino Real Landfill, Sunland Park, NM,” Gautam Kumar, John C. Walton, Charles D. Turner, Joe King USA


Management of Wastes in Specific Industries

“Recovery of Sulphur from Waste Gypsum,” Ryneth Nengovhela, Jannie Maree, Christien Strydom, Dieks Theron, South Africa

“Material-Flow-Analysis of Cadmium Giving Special Consideration to Waste Arising and Waste Management,” Klaus-Rainer Braeutigam, Nicola Hartlieb, Christel Kupsch, G. Sardemann, Germany

“Environmental Risk Assessment of Hazardous Waste Generating Small Scale Metal Finishing Industries, India: A Case Study,” Dr. Preeti Saxena, Post Doctoral Fellow, Norwegian Institute of Air Research, Kjeller, Kjeller, Norway


Compost and Utilization of Organic Wastes

“Comparison of Growth Characteristics for Waste-derived Composts,” Muhammad Ali, Anthony J. Griffiths, Davey Jones, Keith P. Williams, UK

“Evaluation of Regional Suitability for Biogasification System,” Rokuta Inaba, Tohru Furuichi, Norio Nishi, Toshihiro Komatsu, Japan

“Utilizing Agriculture Waste to Enhance The Performance of Nutrient Removal in the Continuous Flow SBR System,” Ashraf Ahmed Karakish, Ahmed Abd Ed Maguid, Egypt

“Chemical Oxidation of Primary Sludges from Common Effluent Treatment Plants Using Peroxides and Fentons Reagent,” Vurimindi Himabindu, P. Rekha, C. Aparna, Y. Anjaneyulu, India



“Feasibility Study on Industrial Waste Utilization: Using Sludge as Raw Material for Co-composting,” Amornpong Thongbhakdi, Palawat Phutarak, Alice Sharp, Thailand


Household Hazardous Wastes and Utilization of Wastes

“Comparative Analysis of Hazardous Household Waste in Two Mexican Regions,” Otoniel Buenrostro Delgado, Sara Ojeda Benítez, Liliana Marquez-Benavides, Mexico

“Low Strength Flowable Fill from Excess Foundry Sand and Cement Bypass Dust” Alaa Ata, Atef Haggag, Mohsen Mashhour, Essam Farouk, Egypt


Special Topics in Recycling

“Educating and Certifying Recycling Professionals Via the Internet,” Evelyn D’Elia, Douglas Orner, Patricia Wood, USA

“Rethinking Waste Management in Construction,” Mr. Mohamed Osmani, Andrew Price, Jacqueline Glass, UK

“The Composition of On-Street Litter-Bin Waste and Its Recycling Potential,” Dr. Georgina Davis, UK


Modeling and Planning

“A Dynamic Model for Four Options Household Waste Disposal Management,” Yen-Lien Kuo, UK



“Energy and Material Balances for Modeling Networks of Waste Treatment Systems,” Margit Loeschau, Susanne Rotter,  Germany

“Solid Waste Management Strategy and Service Improvement in Ekaterinburg: Building Capacity and Delivering Long-Term Solutions,” Adam D. Read, P. Fletcher, UK


Using Solid Waste Management For Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction

“Leveraging Industrial and Solid Waste for Improving Sustainability and Economic Growth,” Germaine H. Saad, USA

“Integrated Waste Management Strategy for Country in Transition as The Tool for Efficient Inclusion in International Trade,” Andoelka Mihajlov, Marina Ilić, Slobodan Tošović, Aleksandar Jovović, Hristina Stevanović-Čarapina, Serbia and Montenegro



“An Analysis of the Contribution of Waste Minimisation Clubs to Sustainable Waste Management in the UK Using Economic Theory of the Firm,” Thomas Coskeran, Paul Phillips, Steve Smith, UK


Medical Wastes

“A National Approach to Clinical Waste Management,” Debbie Siru, M.S. Pillay, Kazal Sinha, Malaysia

“Co Disposal of Out-of-date Medicines,” Liliana Márquez-Benavides, Héctor M. Poggi-Varaldo, Otoniel Buenrostro-Delgado, Mexico


Systems Design and Analysis

“The New Technologie, Workstream for Solid Waste Management In England: A Demonstrator Programme to evaluate novel – cost effective methods to manage Biodegradable Municipal Waste (BMSW),” Paul S. Phillips, Nigel P. Freestone, Margaret P. Bates, Thomas Coskeran, Anne Woolridge, UK

“Building Municipal Capacity for Strategic Solid Waste Management Planning; Observations from Three Cities on Three Different Continents,” Adam D. Read, David C. Wilson, Jane Olley, UK

“Minimax Regret Optimization for Regionalization Assessment of Solid Waste Management in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas,” Eric Davila, Ni-Bin Chang, USA



Multi-Criteria Analysis for the Assessment of Environmentally Relevant Installations,” Stefano Saetta, Italy, Jutta Geldermann, Germany, Daniela Leonardi, Italy


Public and Private Sector Development

“Developing a Strategy for Government Funded Waste Management Research in England (2004-2007): Lessons for Developing Countries,” Paul S. Phillips, Adam Read, Maragaret P. Bates, John Morris, Anne Woolridge, Thomas Coskeran, UK


“Feasibility Study and Master Plan for Optimal Waste Treatment and Disposal for the Entire State of Delhi Based on Public Private Partnership Solutions,” Surinder Pal, Ravi Dass, India,


Case Studies and Environmental and Sustainability Topics

“Sustainable Approach for Management of Dumpsites in Asia,” Kurian Joseph, R. Nagendran, India, C. Visvanathan, Thailand

“Solid Waste Management Practices in a Developing Economy Mega City, A Case Study of Lagos, Nigeria,” Oluwole O. Akiyode, Nigeria

“Integrated and Sustainable Management of Municipal Solid Wastes in Small Communities – A Case Study for Cata Altas, Minas Gerais – Brazil,” Lisete Celina Lange, Cynthia Fantoni Alves Ferreira, Gustavo Ferreira Simoes, Brazil




Waste Dust and Special Wastes


Case Studies and Improvement Methodologies

“Improving Waste Management Practices in the City of Tuy Hoa, Viet Nam,” David G. Smith, Canada

“Solid Waste Management of the Island Phuket, Thailand: The Past and The Future,” Porntip Sridang, Panalee Chevakidagarn, Somtip Danteravanich, Somate Chaiprapat, Pireeyutona Vanapruk, Thailand


“Performance Evaluation of New Waste Management Strategies in Germany,” Gerold Hafner, Martin Kranert, Maria Espinoza, Nicolás Escalante, Germany


Landfill Liners and Containment

“Development of a Case-Based Database System of Countermeasures for Soil and Groundwater Pollution,” Yudai Satoh, Tohru Furuichi, Kazuei Ishii, Noboru Tanikawa, Japan


“Attenuation of 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene in Leachate by a Mineral Landfill Liner,” Anne Stringfellow, Ana Simoes, David Smallman, Hugh Potter, UK

“Immobilization of Heavy Metals in Long-term Landfilled MSWI Residues Due to Weathering,” Ruina Zhang, Takayuki Shimaoka, Japan

“Computer Aided Design and Analysis of Geosynthetics Landfills,” J.N. Mandal, Aanand Jain, India


Ash Management and Analysis

“Recovery of Vanadium and Nickel From Fly Ash Produced in Power Generation and Desalination Plants in Saudi Arabia,” Muhammad A. Daous, Saudi Arabia



Textiles and Special Case Recycling

“Quantification of Energy Used and Saved by the Reuse or Recycling of Clothes,” Anne Woolridge, Garth Ward, Paul Phillips, Michael Collins, Simon Grady, UK




Leachate Recycling and Characterization and Landfill Studies

“Evaluation of Leachate Treatment and Recycle Options at the Boon County Landfill,” Timothy G. Ellis, Jaeyoung Park, USA, Eyyup Debik, Turkey, Scott Smith,USA



“Leachates Characterization Produced in the Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Sites of Amman-Zarqa Area/Jordan,” Zain Tadros, Jordan


Contamination Risk By Heavy Metals to Vegetation Growing on Landfill Cover,” Claudio Fernando Mahler, J.C.M. Andrade, Brazil


Compost and Agricultural Wastes



“Marketing and Commercializing of Compost,” Mervat El-Hoz, Lebanon



“The Model Research of Organic Waste Composting Basis of process Optiusation in Actual Condition,” Kazimierz Szymanski, Robert Sidelko, Lukasz Szymanski, Poland



Special Topics


“Management of cement by-pass dust within the cement factory,” M.I. El Saidi, O.A. Ibrahim, H.H. El Sersy,  M.F. Abadir, Egypt

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