Proceedings of

25th International Conference on

Solid Waste Technology and Management

Philadelphia, PA USA

March 14-17, 2010

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Table of Contents 


Management Case Studies


Inefficient Or Not Correctly Enforced? Municipal Solid Waste Management Policies and Problems in Naples

Stefania Romano, Hungary


A Systems Approach to Solid Waste Analysis and Minimization and Case Study

Matthew J. Franchetti, USA



Energy Recovery


Techno-Economic Performance Analysis of Small to Medium Scale Biomass Combustion Plants for Energy Production,

Chandni Patel, Paola Lettieri, Stef Simons, Antonino Germana, United Kingdom


Solar Steam Generating Sysytem for Cooking

Vinod D. Gondkar, Prof. Dr.Dilip R. Pangavhane, Dr. Dhirendra,

Prof. R.W.Gaikwad, India



Thermal Recycling of Solid Tire Wastes for Recovery of Energy and Valuable Chemicals: A Use of Fire-Tube Heating Pyrolysis Reactor

Mohammad Rofiqul Islam, Hiroyuki Haniu, Japan




Landfill 1


Determination of Landfill Settlement of a Municipal Solid Waste of Known Composition Based on (C+H)/L Values

Dorairaja Raghu, , Joseph J Lifrieri,  USA


Methane Emissions From A Landfill Site In South Brazil

Vanessa Cristina Ferreira Dias, Armando Borges de Castilhos Junior, Paulo Belli Filho, Professor, Débora Machando de Oliveira, Canada


Interactive, Web-Based Landfill Gas Data Management

David E. Adams, USA


Biogas Generation in the Landfill of Ensenada, Baja California Mexico

Carolina Armijo de Vega, Quetzalli Aguilar Virgen, Paul Adolfo Taboada-González, Sara Ojeda-Benítez and Margarito Quintero-Nuñez, Mexico



Industrial Wastes


Investigation of the Organic Additives Treatment on Structural Properties of Waste-Chip Magnesium to be Used as a Hydrogen Storage Material

Aysel Kanturk Figen, Sabriye Pişkin, Turkey



Recovery of Manganese and Lead Values from Zinc Industry Anode Mud

 Dr. Navin Chandra, Dr. S. S. Amritphale, Deepti Pal, India



Advanced Non-Toxic Lead Free and Highly Effective Shielding Materials for X-RAY Diagnostic and CT Scanner Room: Utilizing Industrial Wastes

Dr. Navin Chandara, Dr. S. S. Amritphale, Avneesh Anshul, India


Waste Reduction Through Recycling of Submerged Arc Welding Slag,

Dr. Anjani Kumar, Dalgobind Mahto, India


Identification of Technical and Biological Nutrients (cradle-to-cradle) towards Environmental Sustainability: A Case study of an Electrical and Electronic Equipment Industry in Malaysia  I. Khairul Nadiah, A.  Azmatun  and R. Nadia,  Malaysia





Landfill 2




Siloxanes in Biogases From Solid Waste Landfills and Organic Waste Treatment Facilities in Korea,

Che Yun Eom, Sun-ho Song, Nam hoon Lee, Kwang bum Hur Chaeyoung Lee,

Republic of Korea



Utilization of Coal Combustion Residue in Reclamation of Mining Degraded Lands in Jharia Coalfields, India-A Case Study

Dr.Biswajit Paul,  India



Estimation of COD in Leachate of Municipal Solid Waste Using ANFIS-Based Modelling

M.C. Mañon-Salas, E.L. Moreno-Goytia, M.C. Hernández-Berriel, Liliana Márquez-Benavides, Mexico






Solid Waste Stream On-line Quality Control: New HyperSpectral Imaging Based Devices and Detection Logic Implementation for an Efficient Products Certification,

 Giuseppe Bonifazi, Silvia Serranti, Italy


Advanced Techniques for Recovery of Non-Ferrous Metals from Municipal Solid Waste Dipl.-Ing. Bastian Wens, Dipl.-Ing. Nico Schmalbein, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Th. Pretz, Dipl.-Ing. Ronald Gillner, Germany


Small Scale Paper Recycling In Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – A Show Case For Sustainable Waste Management And Income Generation In Developing Countries,

Dipl.-Ing. Mike Speck, Germany






Optimizing Waste Collection Routes

Ewe-Leng Lim, USA




Public Involvement and Education


Building Professionalism: The Role of Industry Associations and Continuing Professional Development for Waste Professionals

 Dr Georgina Davis, Australia


Attitudes and Behaviors of Middle-Income Housewives towards Minimization, Sorting and Recycling Solid Waste M. El-Hoz, Lebanon



Environmental Education: A Key to Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries – The Case of Nigeria and Guyana

 Mr. Jerry U. Uhuo, Dr. Anita Závodská, USA/NIGERIA


The Journey: Closed Mind to Closed Loop

 Dr Karl S Williams, Mrs Shirley Newman, Mr Ross Fielding, United Kingdom





Contaminated Sites




Integrated Study For Automobile Wastes Management Plan And Environmental Friendly Mechanic Villages In Nigeria

 Michael Amamechi Nwachukwu, Huan Feng, Kennedy Achilike, U.S.A./Nigeria



Remote Sensing Technologies applied to Rehabilitation Monitoring of Large Contaminated Mining Sites

Giuseppe Bonifazi, Silvia Serranti, F. Volpe, Italy


Effect of Tannery Sludge on Antioxidant Enzymes and Antitumor Agents in Catharanthus Roseus, Preeti Saxena, Rumana Ahmad, Neelam Misra, Subhas Awasthi, India/USA/Nigeria



Environmental Impacts 1



Waste Wealth for Sustainability

Salil K Sen, PhD, Dr. Winai Chumcheun, Dr. Chanchai Yomdit, Thailand




Evaluation of the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) of Galvanic Sludge

Mehmet Burcin Piskin, Dr. Muge Sari Yilmaz, Turkey



Climate Change, Policy And Its Impact: Municipal Solid Waste Generation in India Anupam Khajuria, Takanori Matsui, Takashi Machimura, Tohru Morioka, JAPAN



Pollution Management with Special Reference to Municipal Solid Waste Management in Salem City,

 Dr.S.Chinnammai, Dr. D. Janagam, India


Impact of Coal Beneficiation on the Quality of Surrounding Soil and Inhabitant Health Ram LC, Masto RE, Selvi VA, Joshy George, Tripathi RC, Sinha AK, Srivastava NK, Routh T, Verma SK, Priyadarshini, Pritish Prabal, India



Hazardous Wastes



Liquid Crystal Displays: Environmental Management in Removal and Recycling of Mercury-Containing Backlights

Dr. Karl S. Williams, Mr. Timothy J. McDonnell, United Kingdom



The Influence of the Temperature of Calcination on the Leaching of Galvanic Sludge Ozgul Dere Ozdemir, Sabriye Pişkin, Turkey


Sonoleaching: Development of a Rapid Determination of Pb from Stabilized Waste Using Ultrasound Assisted Leaching Luzvisminda M. Bellotindos, Maria Lourdes P. Dalida, Genandrialine L. Peralta, Philippines



Case Studies



Household Solid Waste Characteristics and Management Practices in Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania

Aisa Oberlin Solomon, Peter Oosterveer, Gert Spaargaren, Tanzania / The Netherlands


Solid Waste Reduction in Nigeria Cities (Lagos)

Saturday A. Okeh, Belgium



Environmental Impacts 2


Cartographic Mapping of World Pollutant, Ashraf Ghaly, USA



Property-Close Source-Separation of Solid Household Waste from a Life-Cycle Perspective – A Swedish Case Study, Anna Bernstad, Jes la Cour Jansen, Sweden


Use of Waste Rubber and Fly Ash in Developing a Greener Pervious Concrete, Ashraf Ghaly, Elias Samia, USA


Phospholipid Fatty Acid and Phosholipid Ether Lipid Analysis to Monitor In-Situ Aeration Phases of Waste Materials, Maren Mellendorf, Marion Huber-Humer, Andrea Watzinger, Martin H.Gerzabek, Austria




Materials Produced from Waste 1



Effect of Foundry Sand as Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregates on Concrete Properties, Yogesh Aggarwal,Rafat Siddique, S.M.Gupta, , Paratibha Aggarwal, India



The Use Of Drilling Cuttings Waste In The Manufacture Of Clay Bricks, Hanan El Sersy, Egypt









Agricultural Wastes



Energy Recovery from Fixed Bed Fire Tube Heating Pyrolysis of Agricultural Waste—Jute Stick, Mohammad Rofiqul Islam, Momtaz Parveen, Hiroyuki Haniu, Bangladesh / Japan


The Nutrient Content of Solid Fraction Recovered from Mechanical Separation of Liquid Manure in Swine Industry, Dr. Michael A. Aloria, Kingdom of Bahrain



Potential Utilization of Grass as Solid-Fuel (Briquette) in Nigeria, Olalekan Saheed ALADE, Eriola BETIKU, Bamidele Ogbe Solomon, Nigeria


Concomitant Production of Thermostable Amylase and Protease from Bacillus sp. By Solid State Fermentation, Dr. Rajni Singh, Rajshree Saxena, India




Waste Generation and Composition


An Examination of Household Solid Waste Generation In Mekong Delta City, Vietnam, Nguyen Phuc Thanh, Yasuhiro Matsui, Takeshi Fujiwara, Japan


E-waste Management For Sustainable Campus: A Case Study of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, John Babington Chibunna, Chamhuri Siwar, Rawshan Ara Begum, Ahmad Fariz Mohamed, Malaysia


Awareness towards E-waste Management: A Case Study of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), John Babington Chibunna, Chamhuri Siwar, Dr. Rawshan Ara Begum,  Ahmad Fariz Mohamed, Malaysia


Solid Waste Prediction and Characterization Modeling for Manufacturing and Service Facilities, Matthew J. Franchetti, USA


Can in Hand: From Physical Waste Audits to Creating a Customizable Simple Waste Audit (SWA) Toolkit, Jordan Musser, Barbara L. MacLennan, Laura J. Stiller, Alfred Stiller, USA


Wood Waste Generation in Ilorin Metropolis: Problems, Management and Prospects, Olumuyiwa A. Lasode, Ayokunle Oluwabusayo Balogun, Nigeria


Municipal Solid Waste Management in Chile: Current System and Energy Potential of MSW, Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Eva Hamatschek, Dr.-Ing. Martin Faulstich, Germany




Materials Produced from Waste 2


Use of Foundry Sand and Bottom Ash in Concrete, Yogesh Aggarwal, Rafat Siddique, S.M.Gupta, Paratibha Aggarwal, India


Preliminary Investigation Into Utilization Of Wastes From Iron And Steel Industries In Nigeria As Fine Aggregate Replacement In Concrete Application, Akinbinu Victor Abioye, Nigeria


Estimating the Fracture Toughness Using Mechanical Properties for Composites, Kamel M.M., Ibrahim S.S. Egypt


Comparisons of Compressive Strength of Concrete Block Made with Steel Slag Waste and Iron Ore Tailing Aggregates, Akinbinu Victor Abioye, Nigeria


Assessment of Plastic Waste Generation and Inventorization of Plastic Manufacturing Units in Madhya Pradesh, Alok Srivastava, R.K. Jain, M.L. Patel, Alok Saxena, India




Landfill 3



Assessment of Contaminated Water (Leachate) and Ground Water Quality Around Trenching Ground of  Indore and Ujjain Cities, Abdul Saleem Khan, S. M. Narulkar, India


Modeling of Horizontal Trench Systems for Leachate Recirculation in Bioreactor Landfills, Krishna Reddy, Hanumanth S. Kulkarni, USA


Using the HELP Model for More Than Estimating Leachate Generation, Eric S. Steinhauser, Paula J. Mouser, Brian J. Beaudoin, Kelly M. Anderson, USA









Preparation and Performance of Flyash Filter Membrane, Mitalee Gupta, Nidhi Bajaj, Swati Sharma, Swayamsiddha Das, Raju Sarkar, India


Utilization of Coal/Biomass Fly Ash and Glacial Till Soil as a Flow-Through Reactive Barrier for the Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage, Kevin Penney, Eltayeb Mohamedelhassan, Lionel J.J. Catalan, Canada


Extraction of Silica and Alumina from Coal Fly Ash using Box-Behnken Design for the synthesis of Na-A zeolites , Rose Aini Kamarudin, Abdulsalam Matlob, Zaemah Jubri, Zainab Ramli, Malaysia

Effective Use of Waste Generated in Thermal Power Plant as a Value Added Product in Cement Manufacturing and its Environmental Impact, Bibekananda N. Mohapatra, Raghvendra Narayan, Shashi Mohan Joshi, Radhamohan Gupta, S.P. Gautam, R.K. Jain India


Potential of Indian Fly ashes as Soil Ameliorant:State-of-the-Art, L.C.Ram, Smriti Singh, RE Masto, SK Jha, RC Tripathi,AK Sinha,NK Srivastava,VA Selvi, India





Composting and Biological Treatment 1



Siloxanes in Mechanical-Biological Treatment plants, Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Mattersteig, Dipl.-Ing. Lilly Brunn, Dr.-Ing. Bernd Bilitewski, Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Friese, Germany


Increase in Energy Efficiency of Composting by Bio Leaching, Dipl.-Ing. Nils Bauerschlag, Dr.-Ing. Thomas Pretz, Germany


Effect of Composting on Phytoextraction of Heavy Metals from Tannery Solid Waste Amended Soil, Muhammad Shafiq, Aisha Nazir, Firdaus-e-Bareen, Pakistan

Compost as a Growth Medium of Methanotrophic Bacteria, U. Mancebo del C.S., J.P.A. Hettiaratchi, O. Hurtado, Canada




Policy and Management



Assessing Governace Arrangements for Solid Waste Management Amongst State Institutions in East Africa: Case Studies of Kisumu,Jinja and Mwanza, Christine L. Majale, Caleb Mireri, Peter Oosterveer, KENYA / Netherlands


Urban Attitudes Towards Land Application of Municipal and Industrial Biosolids,Mebrate Taffese Tanto, William L.Magette, Ireland


Urban Poor Access to NGO/CBO Services in Public-Private Arrangements in Solid Waste Management, Judith T. Tukahirwa, Arthur Petrus Johannes Mol, Peter J.M. Oosterveer, Netherlands


Delivering Resource Efficiency in the Food Packaging Sector: Evaluating the Costs and Benefits of the use of an Environmental Managemen Systemt, Rebecca Jones, Paul S. Phillips, Kathy Holley, UK


Future of Project Based Mechanisms in the Waste Management Sector with a Special View on the Prospective American Offset Market, Christian Pacher, Felix Nickel, Roland Geres, Germany


Municipal Solid Waste Management: A Comparison Between the U.S. and Other Countries, Shoou-Yuh Chang, Wanchi Huang, Shu-Liang Liaw, USA / Taiwan





Composting and Biological Treatment 2



Developing Composting Process Scheme for Port Harcourt, Nigeria, A A Ujile, E. Ehirim, Nigeria


Evaluation of  Solid Waste Composting in Bangladesh, M. Habibur Rahman, Abdullah Al-Muyeed, Bangladesh


Ondo State Waste Composting: A Panacea To Food Security And Wealth Creation In Developing Nations, AKINBINU VICTOR ABIOYE, NIGERIA


Enhancing anaerobic digestion processes for improved biogas production, Dr Joseph C Akunna, G.M. Walker United Kingdom




Wood, Construction and Demolition Wastes


Prospects and limitations for the collection and treatment of asbestos containing waste in Flanders, Veronique Van Hoof, Karl Vrancken, Luc Beeckmans, Belgium


Data Mining the Estimation and Forecasting of Concrete Debris Amount from Building Demolition in Taiwan Taoyuan, Jyh-Dong Lin, Li-Hsu Yeh, Hao-Hsien Chen, Rong-Yau Huang, Yu-Kuan Cheng, Taiwan, R.O.C


A Home Builder’s Guide to Waste Management at the Construction Site, Joseph Laquatra, Mark Pierce, USA


Reuse of the Discarded Railroad Ballast in Civil Construction, Rudney C. Queiroz, Mario M. Isa, Adilson Renofio, Jorge Akutsu, Ariane de Cassia, G. da Silva, Brazil



Integrated Management


Environmental Economic and Technological Residues Management Demands: An Optimization Tool, Marisa Soares Borges, Humberto Gracher Riella, Paulo Roberto Janissek, Brazil


A Tale of Two Countries – Czech Republic and the United States: A Comparison of Their Municipal Solid Waste, Anita Závodská, Libuše Benešová, USA / Czech Republic


Digital City Initiatives for Small Muncipalities and Rural Areas and Their Role in Solid Waste Management, Susan J. Bergeron, Barbara L. MacLennan, Alfred Stiller, USA



Regional Approach to Service Provision: Solid Waste Management Amongst Small Urban Centers in the Lake Victoria Basin, Christine L. Majale, Caleb Mireri, Gert Spaargaren, KENYA / Netherlands


The Application of Zero Waste in the Developing Countries- The Case of Egypt, Yousryia Nassif Loza, Ayman M.Ghanem, Sohair M. Milik, Egypt





Innovative Research


Solid Waste Technology Research Works in Lagos State Nigeria: “Smelting of Nylon and Low-Density Plastics (LDPs) in a Fluidized Bed System”, AbdulWahab Ogunbiyi, Shittu Olumide Akeem, Johnson Olumuyiwa Agunsoye, Nigeria


Effect of  Source and Chemical Composition on In Vitro Fermentation of Water Hyacinth, A.A. Mako, O. J Babayemi, Nigeria






Chemical and Biochemical Treatment


Energy from Waste – An alternative Technology to Incineration, Anaerobic Digestion and Pyrolysis – With Overall Efficiency of >80%, Frank J. Riedel, Germany




Medical Wastes


Incineration of Biomedical Wastes: Simulated Studies, Prashant Kumar, Kasturi Gadgil, India


A Composite Indicator for Medical Solid Waste Management Applied to a Health-Care Facility (HCF): A Case Study, Luisa Fernanda Ribeiro Reis, Katia Sakihama Ventura, Brazil





Mining and Mineral Wastes


Prediction of Asbestos Exposure Resulting From Asbestos Aerosolization Determined Using the Releasable Asbestos Field Sampler (RAFS), William M. Barrett, Jonathan W. Thornburg,  G. Gordon Brown, John R. Kominsky, James J. Konz, USA


Measurement of Aerosolization of Asbestos from Soil Using the Releasable Asbestos Field Sampler (RAFS), James J. Konz, John R. Kominsky, Jonathan W. Thornburg, Andrew Dart, William M. Barrett, USA





Manufacture of Organic Fertilizer from Poultry Slaughterhouse Waste Rendering Plant Sludge Using Delta-D Technology, S.A.S. Perera, Sri Lanka





Vegetative Amelioration of Solid Waste Disposal Site;  The Case Study of Adana-Sofulu-Turkey, Reyhan Erdogan, Zeynep Zaimoglu, Meryem Atik, Türkiye


The Study of Influence on Pavement’s Surface Texture And Friction with Basic Oxygen Furnace Slag, Shih-Huang Chen, Jyh-Dong Lin, Chang-Hua Yu, Hung-Wen Chung, Ching-Tsung Hung, Ming-Chin Yeh, Taiwan


Proposal of Management Plan of Civil Construction Waste for Horizontal Condominium in Goiânia – Br, Michele Tereza Marques de Carvalho, Ana Gabriela Leandra de Souza Cruz, Cybelli Gonçalves Gregório Barbosa, Patrícia Sampaio Moraes, Brazil


Study on Fly Ash from Refuse-Derived Fuel Combustion in Fluidized Bed Boilers as Admixtures for Concrete Mixing, Chen-Yu Hsu, Li-Hsu Yeh , Ming-Yu Lee, Jyh-Dong Lin, Taiwan


Potential of Non-Ferrous Metals in separate waste streams, Dipl.-Ing. Ronald Gillner, Dr.-Ing. Thomas Pretz, Dipl.-Ing. Bastian Wens, Dipl.-Ing. Nico Schmalbein, Germany


Utilization of Hatchery by-products as Feed Ingredients in Broiler Chicken Feed, Dambar B. Khadka, Dilip Subba, Netherland / Nepal



CO2 Emission Mitigation Potential of Rice Husks for Angiang Province, Vietnam, Pham Thi Mai Thao, PhD. Kiyo H. Kurisu, Keisuke Hanaki, Japan


Hydraulic Mortars Made by Lime, Brick Sand and Fly Ash, Pietro Ubbrìaco, Giulia Mastrodonato, Dino Manigrassi, Angela Traini, Annarosa Mangone, Italy


Characterization and Potential Application of Solid Waste Generated from Biodiesel Production Process, Lu-Ming Chen, Mei-In Melissa Chou, USA



A Case Study Of Residents’ Behavior In Recycling Renewable Resources From Collection Sites In China, Chun-ping LI, China


Distribution Characteristics Based Air Quality Evaluation Of MSW CSs And Residential Areas In Haidian District, Chun-ping LI, China





Characteristics of Siloxanes in Landfill and Anaerobic Digester Biogases in Korea., Che-Yun Eom, Sun-ho Song, Nam hoon Lee, Kwang bum Hur, Chaeyoung Lee,

 Republic of Korea


Time and Motion Analysis of Hauled Container System for Municipal Solid Waste Collection in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria, Adeniyi S. Aremu, James R. Mihelcic, B.F. Sule, Nigeria / USA


Protease production in Solid State Fermentation by Bacillus sp., Rajni Singh, Rajshree Saxena, India


Assessing the Composition of Municipal Solid Waste in the Czech Republic, Libuse Benesova, Marketa Dolezalova, Petra Hnatukova, Bohumil Cernik, Zdenka Kotoulova, Anita Zavodska, Czech Republic / USA


Fast Pyrolysis of Biomass to Bio-Oil: An Evaluation of Catalytic Upgrading by HSZM-5, Patricia Sefton, USA

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